Human Anatomy & Physiology Theory D Pharm
Topic |
Scope of Anatomy and Physiology Definition of various terminologies |
Structure of Cell: Components and its functions |
Tissues of the human body: epithelial & connective, Muscular and nervous tissues |
Osseous system: structure and functions of Axial bones\, appendicular skeletal system |
Classification, types and movements of joints, disorders of joints |
Haemopoietic system Composition and functions of blood, Process of Hemopoiesis, Characteristics and functions of RBCs, WBCs, and platelets, Mechanism of Blood Clotting, Importance of Blood groups |
Lymphatic system Lymph and lymphatic system, composition, function and its formation.Structure and functions of spleen and lymph node. |
Cardiovascular system Anatomy and Physiology of Heart, Blood vessels and circulation (Pulmonary, coronary and systemic circulation) Cardiac cycle and Heart sounds, Basics of ECG, Blood pressure and its regulation Video links: Cardiovascular System CVS An Introduction: https://youtu.be/J4fQIQMJlzU Anatomy of Heart: https://youtu.be/hX8bFOpvY7Q Internal Structure of Heart: https://youtu.be/3DEmPfbdzxk Systemic & Pulmonary Circulation: https://youtu.be/ShVYkbT8ggg Risk factors Heart Disease: https://youtu.be/YYeNCbci_Co Congenital heart defects: https://youtu.be/M6FS2LCLsvQ |
Respiratory system Anatomy of respiratory organs and their functions. Regulation, and Mechanism of respiration.Respiratory volumes and capacities – definitions |
Digestive system Anatomy and Physiology of the GIT, Anatomy and functions of accessory glands, Physiology of digestion and absorption |
Skeletal muscles Histology, Physiology of muscle contraction, Disorder of skeletal muscles |
Nervous system Classification of the nervous system, Anatomy and physiology of cerebrum, cerebellum, midbrain, Function of hypothalamus, medulla oblongata and basal gangliaSpinal cord-structure and reflexesNames and functions of cranial nerves.Anatomy and physiology of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system (ANS) |
Sense organs – Anatomy and physiology of Eye, Ear, Skin, Tongue, Nose |
Urinary system Anatomy and physiology of urinary system, Physiology of urine formation, Renin-angiotensin system, Clearance tests and micturition |
Endocrine system (Hormones and their functions) Pituitary gland, Adrenal gland, Thyroid and parathyroid gland, Pancreas and gonads |
Reproductive system Anatomy of male and female reproductive system, Physiology of menstruation, Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis, Pregnancy and parturition |
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