January 21, 2025

20059 PTP Pharmacotherapeutics Practical D Pharm

Pharmacotherapeutics Practical D Pharm


  • Patient counselling exercises using role plays based on real/hypothetical clinical case scenarios. The students are expected to provide counselling on disease conditions, medications, lifestyle modifications, monitoring parameters, etc. and the same shall be documented. (Minimum 5 cases)
  • Simulated cases to enable dose calculation of selected drugs in paediatrics, and geriatrics under various pathological conditions. (Minimum 4 cases)

F Y D Pharm & S Y D Pharm Notes, Books, Syllabus, PDF, Videos

First Year D PharmSecond Year D Pharm
20111 PHT Pharmaceutics Theory20221 PGT Pharmacology Theory
20051 PHP Pharmaceutics Practical20056 PGP Pharmacology Practical
20112 PCT Pharmaceutical Chemistry Theory20222 CMT Community Pharmacy & Management Theory
20052 PCP Pharmaceutical Chemistry Practical20057 CMP Community Pharmacy & Management Practical
20113 PYT Pharmacognosy Theory20223 BCT Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology Theory
20053 PYP Pharmacognosy Practical20058 BCP Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology Practical
20114 HPT Human Anatomy Physiology Theory20224 PTT Pharmacotherapeutics Theory
20054 HPP Human Anatomy Physiology Practical20059 PTP Pharmacotherapeutics Practical
20115 SPT Social Pharmacy Theory20225 HCT Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy Theory
20055 SPP Social Pharmacy Practical20060 HCP Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy Practical
20226 PLT Pharmacy Law & Ethics

Second Year Pharm D Subjects

2.2Pharmaceutical  Microbiology
2.3Pharmacognosy & Phytopharmaceuticals
2.5Community Pharmacy

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