January 21, 2025

20223 BCT Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology Theory D Pharm

Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology Theory D Pharm

Chapter 1 Introduction to biochemistry

Scope of biochemistry in pharmacy;

Cell and its biochemical organization.

Chapter 2 Carbohydrates

Definition, classification with examples, chemical properties
Monosaccharides – Structure of glucose, fructose, and galactose
Disaccharides – a structure of maltose, lactose, and sucrose
Polysaccharides – chemical nature of starch and glycogen
Qualitative tests and biological role of carbohydrates

MCQ Carbohydrates: https://youtu.be/oGDLXozbnb0

Chapter 3 Proteins

Definition, classification of proteins based on composition and solubility with examples
Definition, classification of amino acids based on chemical nature and nutritional requirements with
Structure of proteins (four levels of organization of protein structure)
Qualitative tests and biological role of proteins and amino acids
Diseases related to malnutrition of proteins.

MCQ Proteins: https://youtu.be/4M50GUQnGp4

Chapter 4 Lipids

Definition, classification with examples
Structure and properties of triglycerides (oils and fats)
Fatty acid classification – Based on chemical and nutritional requirements with examples
Structure and functions of cholesterol in the body
Lipoproteins – types, composition, and functions in the body
Qualitative tests and functions of lipids

Chapter 5 Nucleic acids

Definition, purine and pyrimidine bases
Components of nucleosides and nucleotides with examples
Structure of DNA (Watson and Crick model), RNA and their functions

Chapter 6 Enzymes

Definition, properties, and IUB and MB classification
Factors affecting enzyme activity
Mechanism of action of enzymes, Enzyme inhibitors
Therapeutic and pharmaceutical importance of enzymes

Chapter 7 Vitamins

Definition and classification with examples
Sources, chemical nature, functions, coenzyme form, recommended dietary requirements, deficiency
diseases of fat-and water-soluble vitamins

Chapter 8 Metabolism (Study of cycle/pathways without chemical structures)

Metabolism of Carbohydrates:

Glycolysis, TCA cycle, and glycogen metabolism, regulation of blood glucose level. Diseases related to abnormal metabolism of Carbohydrates

MCQ Carbohydrate metabolism :
Part 1: https://youtu.be/5FwwmgJAUac
Part 2: https://youtu.be/WQ9X3slCcUs
Part 3: https://youtu.be/V-c8dJm0ksc
Part 4: https://youtu.be/rgkVBtYhq14

Metabolism of Carbohydrates :
Glycolysis Introduction and Significance: https://youtu.be/z5wYDUJbmaY
Glycolysis, EM Pathway, MEP Pathway: https://youtu.be/VFzMwTWj-yg

Metabolism of lipids:

Lipolysis, β-oxidation of Fatty acid (Palmitic acid) ketogenesis, and ketolysis. Diseases related to abnormal metabolism of lipids such as Ketoacidosis, Fatty liver, Hypercholesterolemia

Metabolism of Amino acids (Proteins):

General reactions of amino acids and their significance – Transamination, deamination, Urea cycle, and
decarboxylation. Diseases related to abnormal metabolism of amino acids, Disorders of ammonia
metabolism, phenylketonuria, alkaptonuria, and Jaundice.

Biological oxidation:

Electron transport chain and Oxidative phosphorylation

Chapter 9 Minerals

Types, Functions, Deficiency diseases, recommended dietary requirements

Chapter 10 Water and Electrolytes

Distribution, functions of water in the body
Water turnover and balance
The electrolyte composition of the body fluids, Dietary intake of electrolyte and Electrolyte balance
Dehydration, causes of dehydration, and oral rehydration therapy

Chapter 11 Introduction to Biotechnology

Introduction to Biotechnology

Chapter 12 Organ function tests

Functions of kidney and routinely performed tests to assess the functions of kidney and their clinical
Functions of liver and routinely performed tests to assess the functions of liver and their clinical
Lipid profile tests and their clinical significances

Chapter 13 Introduction to Pathology of Blood and Urine

Lymphocytes and Platelets, their role in health and disease
Erythrocytes – Abnormal cells and their significance
Normal and Abnormal constituents of Urine and their significance

MCQ Videos
Part 1 : https://youtu.be/l4XlLxXzspg
Part 2 : https://youtu.be/OM6jE5njsZ4
Part 3 : https://youtu.be/zHc1qs7fNWo
Part 4 : https://youtu.be/lACZvlPVE6Y

Pathology of Blood and Urine playlist

F Y D Pharm & S Y D Pharm Notes, Books, Syllabus, PDF, Videos

First Year D PharmSecond Year D Pharm
20111 PHT Pharmaceutics Theory20221 PGT Pharmacology Theory
20051 PHP Pharmaceutics Practical20056 PGP Pharmacology Practical
20112 PCT Pharmaceutical Chemistry Theory20222 CMT Community Pharmacy & Management Theory
20052 PCP Pharmaceutical Chemistry Practical20057 CMP Community Pharmacy & Management Practical
20113 PYT Pharmacognosy Theory20223 BCT Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology Theory
20053 PYP Pharmacognosy Practical20058 BCP Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology Practical
20114 HPT Human Anatomy Physiology Theory20224 PTT Pharmacotherapeutics Theory
20054 HPP Human Anatomy Physiology Practical20059 PTP Pharmacotherapeutics Practical
20115 SPT Social Pharmacy Theory20225 HCT Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy Theory
20055 SPP Social Pharmacy Practical20060 HCP Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy Practical
20226 PLT Pharmacy Law & Ethics

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