Guidelines on Dosage Calculation and Stock Solution Preparation in Experimental Animals Studies
To prepare stock solution and calculate dosage calculations in experimental animals studies (or) Preclinical studies
Experimental animals are very important tool in non-human research models
Dosage calculations and stock solution preparation based on dosage rationable formula are prerequisites to drug administration in experimental animals
However, drug dosage calculations and stock solutions preparations are not clearly explained in most scientific literature.
Vehicle of choice, drugs dissolutions & volume selections rationale:
A vehicle is any substance that acts as when drug is administered
Vehicle which is an essential consideration in all animal research should be biologically inert, it has no toxic effects on animals influence the results obtained for the compound under investigations.
Eg-water, normal saline (0.9% nacl), 50% polyethylene glycol, 5-10% tween 80,0.25% methyl cellulose (or) carboxy methyl cellulose.
In most researches involving experimental animals dosage are usually calculated from stock solution of the test drugs dissolved in vehicle.
According to OECD’s (organization of economic corporation and development) guidelines, dosage of drug should be constituted in an appropriate volume not usually exceeding 10 ml/kg body weight of experimental animals for non aqueous solvent in oral route of administration.
However the aqueous solvents 20ml/kg body weight can be considered large dose volumes. Can cause unnecessary stress to animals large dose volumes. Can cause unnecessary stress to animal can also overload the stomach capacity and pass immediately into the small bowel or can result in passive reflux in stomach, aspiration, pneumonia, pharynageal, esophageal and gastrin irritation or injury with structure formation.
However, highly viscous drug solutions should be diluted whenever possible, for ease of adininistation.
However, final dilution valume should be not exceed 20ml/kg. based on 10ml/kg valume selection, required dose valume for a 100gm rat can be calculated as follows 100g/1000gx10ml=ml
Based on 20ml/kg volume selection, required dose volume for a 100g not can be calculated as follows.
Third Year B Pharm Notes, Syllabus, Books, PDF Subjectwise/Topicwise
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