Herbal Drug Technology Practical
- To perform preliminary phytochemical screening of crude drugs.
- Determination of the alcohol content of Asava and Arista
- Evaluation of excipients of natural origin
- Incorporation of prepared and standardized extract in cosmetic formulations like creams, lotions and shampoos and their evaluation.
- Incorporation of prepared and standardized extract in formulations like syrups, mixtures and tablets and their evaluation as per Pharmacopoeial requirements.
- Monograph analysis of herbal drugs from recent Pharmacopoeias
- Determination of Aldehyde content
- Determination of Phenol content
- Determination of total alkaloids
Recommended Books (Latest Editions)
- Textbook of Pharmacognosy by Trease & Evans.
- Textbook of Pharmacognosy by Tyler, Brady & Robber.
- Pharmacognosy by Kokate, Purohit and Gokhale
- Essential of Pharmacognosy by Dr.S.H.Ansari
- Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry by V.D.Rangari
- Pharmacopoeal standards for Ayurvedic Formulation (Council of Research in Indian Medicine & Homeopathy)
- Mukherjee, P.W. Quality Control of Herbal Drugs: An Approach to Evaluation of Botanicals. Business Horizons Publishers, New Delhi, India, 2002
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