January 22, 2025

Whooping Cough Symptoms Causative agent Control

Whooping Cough Symptoms Causative agent Control

Whooping Cough (Pertussis):

There are 4 stages: 1) Catarrhal stage (10 days)

                                2) Paroxysmal stage (2-4 weeks)

                                3) Convalescent stage (1-2 weeks)

4) Illness (6-8 weeks)

Causative Agent:

Bordetella Pertussis. (Gram-negative organisms present in nasal and buccal Secretions.)

Modes of Transmission:

1. Most common spread by droplets released by patients or carriers.

2. Transmission also takes place through secretions.

3. Fomites (Cups, handkerchiefs, toys, thermometers, etc.) contaminated by nasopharyngeal

    Secretion of the patient or carrier can also spread this infection.


  1.  Young children are characterized by mild fever, irritating cough.
  2.  Cough in series of paroxysms ( sudden outburst of emotions)
  3.  Malaise (A general feeling of being unwell).
  4.  Sudden onset of chills 
  5.  Muscular pain.
  6. Complications which can arise are: a) Bronchitis 

                                                        b) Bronchopneumonia

                                                        c) Bronchiectasis i.e. (Permanent enlargement of parts of airways)

                                                        d) Subconjunctival haemorrhage (Bleeding underneath conjunctiva)

 Prevention and Control: 

  1. Active immunization with DPT / Pertussis vaccine at 6th, 10th and 14th month of child and booster dose at the age of 1.5 yrs. and 5 yrs. DT is given.
  1. Passive immunization with hyperimmune gamma globulin.    
  2. Early diagnosis and notification to health authorities.
  3. Isolation of cases at home and at hospital
  4. Exclusion of contact children from school for 2 weeks.     
  5. Disinfection of nasal and buccal discharges of the patient.
  6. Disinfection of fomites used by the patient.    

Manisha Yogesh Chaudhari is working as an Assistant Professor at Kokan Gyanpeeth’s Rahul Dharkar College of Pharmacy, Karjat, Maharashtra, India. She has worked with Pfizer and Flamingo Pharmaceuticals. She is actively involved in Books writing, Review, and research paper writing as well as actively involved in contributing towards academic literature

F Y D Pharm Notes, Books, Syllabus, PDF, Videos

S. No.Name of the Course
1.ER20-11T Pharmaceutics Theory
2.ER20-11P Pharmaceutics Practical
3.ER20-12T Pharmaceutical Chemistry Theory
4.ER20-12P Pharmaceutical Chemistry Practical
5.ER20-13T Pharmacognosy Theory
6.ER20-13P Pharmacognosy Practical
7.ER20-14T Human Anatomy & Physiology Theory
8.ER20-14P Human Anatomy & Physiology Practical
9.ER20-15T Social Pharmacy Theory
10.ER20-15P Social Pharmacy Practical
F Y D Pharm Syllabus

Suggested reading