January 21, 2025

Total red blood corpuscles (RBC) count

Total red blood corpuscles (RBC) count

BP107P Human Anatomy and Physiology Practical


To find out the number of red blood cells in one cubic millimetre of blood


The number of RBC in a known volume of diluted blood is counted and the number of cells in one cmm of undiluted blood is calculated from this.


Hemocytometer, RBC diluting fluid, compound microscope, sterile lancet, watch glass, cotton, rectified spirit

HAEMOCYTOMETER: This includes a counting chamber, a special coverslip, an RBC diluting pipette and a WBC diluting pipette.

Improved Neu-Bauer’s double-counting chamber

This is thick rectangular glass with a polished transverse bar in the centre, separated from the rest of the slide by two parallel grooves on either side. The polished bar is divided into two equal platforms by a groove in the middle resulting in ‘H’ shaped depression (moats). The surface of the platforms is 1/10 mm below the surface of the rest of the slide. So if a cover glass is placed over the surface of the counting chamber, the under the surface of the cover glass remains 1/10 mm above the polished surface of the platform.

The counting area is in the form of a central ruled area on the polished surface of each platform. It is a square of 3 mm side, divided into 9 equal squares of 1 mm side. Of these, the four corner squares are used for WBC counting. Each WBC square of 1 mm side is again divided into sixteen smaller squares each of 1/4mm side. The central 1 mm square is divided into 25 equal small squares of 1/5mm side, by means of triple lines of which the 4 corner ones and the central one are used for RBC counting. Each of these squares is subdivided into 16 smallest squares each of 1/20mm sides.

Other uses of R.B.C. pipette:

  1. WBC count in leukemias
  2. Platelet counting

Uses of the bead in the bulb

  1. For proper mixing
  2. To know whether the pipette is dry
  3. To identify the pipette

R.B.C diluting fluid: Hayem’s fluid is the commonly used diluting fluid.


Sodium chloride 0.5 Gm Sodium sulphate 2.5 Gm Mercuric perchloride 0.25 Gm
Distilled water 100 ml sodium chloride and sodium sulphate together keep the isotonicity of fluid. Sodium sulphate also prevents the clumping of red cells. Mercuric perchloride fixes the cells and acts as a preservative.

Other diluting fluids:

Gower’s fluid Toison’s fluid
Formol Citrate solution


Clean and dry the counting chamber and put on the special coverslip provided. Focus on the high power objective and identify the RBC counting area. Clean the RBC pipette first with distilled water, then with absolute alcohol and finally with ether and keep it dry. Take a small quantity of diluting fluid in a watch glass and keep it aside. Clean the fingertip using rectified spirit and make a deep prick with a sterile lancet, so that blood comes out freely without squeezing. Wipe off the first drop which may contain tissue fluid also. Allow a good-sized blood drop to form a hanging drop and keep the pointed tip of the pipette touching the drop. Suck in blood up to the 0.5 mark carefully, without any air bubble. Excess blood at the tip of the pipette is removed using a blotting paper or piece of cotton. Immediately, diluting fluid from the watch glass is sucked in up to the 101 mark without any air bubble by keeping the pipette in a vertical position.

Then thoroughly mix the blood and diluting fluid in the pipette by gently rolling the pipette held horizontally between the palms and keep aside. Mixing takes place only in the bulb of the pipette. The column of diluting fluid contained in the stem of the pipette does not enter into the dilution (i.e. 101-1 = 100). So that the blood sucked upto 0.5 mark will have a dilution of 0.5 in 100 or 1 in 200. Now take out the

counting chamber for charging discard the first few drops from the pipette, as the stem contains only diluting fluid. Bring one small drop of diluted blood at the tip of the pipette, to the edge of the coverslip on the counting chamber at an angle of about 450 The fluid enters by capillary action under the coverslip and fills the counting chamber. Both areas are filled.

Focus the RBC counting area under high power. Keep the counting chamber undisturbed for about 3 minutes for the cells to settle down in the counting area, and start counting. At least 5 squares, each having 16 smallest squares (preferably 4 corners and 1 central) should be counted to obtain a satisfactory average and a better dispersal value. While counting each small square, cells touching the top and left margin of each square should be omitted and cells touching the bottom and right margin of each square should be counted. Draw a chart of the counting squares in the record and enter the number of cells in each square and when counted.


  1. Counting chamber and pipette should be clean and dry.
  2. Fingertip and pricking lancet should be sterile.
  3. Blood should freely come out without squeezing.
  4. Be careful to prevent clotting of blood inside the pipette.
  5. While filling the pipette and charging the counting chamber, no air bubble should enter.
  6. Blood should be taken only upto the 0.5 mark and diluting fluid sucked only upto 101 mark.
  7. Blood should be properly mixed with the diluting fluid.
  8. Discard first few drops before charging because it will not contain RBC5.
  9. While charging the counting chamber, over filling and spilling should be avoided.
  10. Cells should be settled down and more or less evenly distributed before counting.


Let the number of cells counted in (5×16) 80 smallest squares be “N” Number of cells in 1 smallest square is N/80
Side of 1 square = 1/20mm

Area of 1 square = 1/400mm2Depth of fluid film in counting chamber is 1/10mm

The volume of diluted blood in 1 square=1/400×1/10=1/4000mm3 Number of cells in 1/4000mm3 diluted blood = N
80 Number of cells in 1 mm3 of diluted blood N 80×1/4000

= Nx4000 80

The dilution factor is 1 in 200

(Total diluted volume in the bulb of the pipette is 100 parts, out of which 0.5 is blood. So dilution is 0.5 in 100 i.e.1 in 200)

So number of cells in 1 mm3 of undiluted blood =Nx 4000×200 = Nxl0000 80


(Expressed in millions/mm3) Normal RBC Count Adult male: 5- 5.5 millions/mm3

Adult female: 4.5 – 5 millions/mm3 Variations in Count:
Increase in count Decrease in the count

Physiological variations

  1. Diurnal –
  2. Age –
  3. Sex –
  4. High altitude –
  5. Muscular exercise –
  6. Polycythemia (Erythrocytosis)
  7. Anaemia (Erythropenia)

Less during the night, minimum in the early morning, gradually increases during the day In newborn, high count is seen More in males

Count higher due to hypoxia Count increases
Pathological increase in count:

  1. Lung diseases like emphysema, pulmonary tuberculosis
  2. Congenital heart disease
  3. Carbon monoxide poisoning
  4. Primary polycythemia (Polycythemia rubra vera)

Secondary polycythemia is due to hypoxia resulting from any cause, physiological or pathological.

Pathological decrease in count:

  1. Increased destruction of RBC
  2. Decreased production of RBC

Human Anatomy and Physiology Practical Syllabus

  1. Study of a compound microscope.
  2. Microscopic study of epithelial and connective tissue
  3. Microscopic study of muscular and nervous tissue
  4. Identification of axial bones
  5. Identification of appendicular bones
  6. Introduction to hemocytometry.
  7. Enumeration of white blood cell (WBC) count
  8. Enumeration of total red blood corpuscles (RBC) count
  9. Determination of the bleeding time
  10. Determination of clotting time
  11. Estimation of haemoglobin content
  12. Determination of blood group.
  13. Determination of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).
  14. Determination of heart rate and pulse rate.
  15. Recording of blood pressure.

First Year B Pharm Notes, Syllabus, Books, PDF Subjectwise/Topicwise

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about RBC Diluting Fluid

RBC diluting fluid, also known as red blood cell diluent, is a solution used in hematology laboratories to facilitate the counting and analysis of red blood cells (RBCs) in blood samples. Here are some frequently asked questions to help you understand RBC diluting fluid and its role in laboratory procedures:

What is RBC diluting fluid?

RBC diluting fluid is a specialized solution used to dilute blood samples before performing red blood cell counts and related hematological analyses.

Why is RBC diluting fluid used in hematology labs?

RBC diluting fluid is used to ensure that the blood sample is appropriately diluted for accurate and precise counting of red blood cells using automated hematology analyzers or manual hemocytometers.

What are the components of RBC diluting fluid?

RBC diluting fluid typically consists of a buffer solution, a preservative to prevent coagulation, and an isotonic solution to maintain the integrity of the red blood cells.

How does RBC diluting fluid work?

When a blood sample is mixed with RBC diluting fluid, it is diluted to a known ratio, which allows for accurate counting of RBCs. The dilution ensures that the concentration of RBCs falls within the counting range of the hematology analyzer or hemocytometer.

How is RBC diluting fluid prepared and used?

RBC diluting fluid is prepared according to specific guidelines provided by the manufacturer. The blood sample is mixed with the diluting fluid, and the resulting mixture is then analyzed using a hematology analyzer or manual counting method.

What is the purpose of using a controlled dilution with RBC diluting fluid?

Using a controlled dilution with RBC diluting fluid helps ensure that the RBC count falls within the linear range of the instrument, allowing for accurate and reliable results.

Can RBC diluting fluid be used for other blood cell types?

While RBC diluting fluid is primarily designed for red blood cell analysis, variations of diluting fluids are used for other blood cell types such as white blood cells and platelets.

Are there different types of RBC diluting fluids?

Yes, there are different formulations of RBC diluting fluids based on the specific needs of the laboratory and the type of hematology analyzer being used.

How does RBC diluting fluid prevent blood coagulation?

RBC diluting fluid contains anticoagulant preservatives that prevent blood from clotting, ensuring that the blood sample remains suitable for analysis.

Can RBC diluting fluid affect the accuracy of results?

If the RBC diluting fluid is not prepared correctly or if there are variations in its composition, it can affect the accuracy and reliability of the RBC count results.

Are there alternatives to RBC diluting fluid for RBC counting?

While RBC diluting fluid is commonly used, there are alternative methods and solutions that can be used for RBC counting, such as isotonic saline solutions.

How is RBC diluting fluid quality controlled?

Laboratories perform regular quality control measures to ensure that the RBC diluting fluid is properly prepared, stored, and calibrated to provide accurate results.

Can RBC diluting fluid be used for patient samples directly?

RBC diluting fluid is typically used for laboratory analyses rather than for direct patient samples. It is mixed with a small aliquot of the patient’s blood for dilution before analysis.

How does RBC diluting fluid contribute to accurate clinical diagnoses?

Accurate RBC counting is essential for diagnosing various blood disorders and conditions. RBC diluting fluid ensures that the sample is appropriately diluted, allowing for precise counting and more reliable clinical interpretations.

Can variations in RBC diluting fluid affect different blood parameters?

While RBC diluting fluid primarily affects RBC counts, variations in its composition or preparation can potentially impact other blood parameters measured by hematology analyzers.

RBC diluting fluid plays a crucial role in ensuring accurate and reliable red blood cell counts in clinical laboratories. Its proper preparation, use, and quality control are essential for obtaining accurate hematological results and facilitating the diagnosis and monitoring of various medical conditions.

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