December 10, 2024

Effects of skeletal muscle relaxants using rota-rod apparatus

Effects of skeletal muscle relaxants using rota-rod apparatus

BP408P Pharmacology I Practical / S Y B Pharmacy Notes


To study the muscle relaxant property of diazepam in mice using rota rod apparatus


One of the important pharmacological action of anti anxiety agents of benzo diazepam class of drugs is muscle relaxaing property. The skeletal muscle relaxation together with taming or calming effect, these agents reduce anxiety and tension. The loss of muscle grip is an indication of muscle relaxation. This effect can be easily studied in animals using inclined plane or rotating rods.

The difference in the fall off time from the rotating rod between the control and diazepam treated animal is taken as an index of muscle relaxation . The angle of the slope of the inclined plane, or the rate of rotation of the rod should be adjusted such that a normal mouse can stay on the plane or on the rod for an appreciable period of time.


Animal: Mice (20-25gm)

Drugs: Diazepam of the drug and inject 1ml/100g of body weight of the mouse.

Equipment: Rota rod apparatus


  1. Weigh the animals and number them.
  2. Turn on the instrument select an appropriate speed (20-25rpm)
  3. Place the animal one by one on the rotating rod. One can place more than one mouse. Note down the fall off time when the mouse falls from the rotating rod. A normal mouse generally falls off within 3-5 min
  4. Inject diazepam to all animals. After 30 min repeat the experiments as done in step 3 . note the fall off time.
  5. Compare the fall off time of animals before and after diazepam treatment.

Pharmacology I Practical

  1. Introduction to experimental pharmacology.
  2. Commonly used instruments in experimental pharmacology.
  3. Study of common laboratory animals.
  4. Maintenance of laboratory animals as per CPCSEA guidelines.
  5. Common laboratory techniques.
  6. Study of different routes of drugs administration in mice/rats.
  7. Study effect of hepatic microsomal enzyme inducers on phenobarbitone sleeping time in mice.
  8. Effect of drugs on ciliary motility of frog oesophagus
  9. Effect of drugs on rabbit eye.
  10. Effects of skeletal muscle relaxants using rota-rod apparatus.
  11. Effect of drugs on locomotor activity using actophotometer.
  12. Anticonvulsant effect of drugs by MES and PTZ method.
  13. Study of stereotype and anti-catatonic activity of drugs on rats/mice.
  14. Study of anxiolytic activity of drugs using rats/mice.
  15. Study of local anesthetics by different methods

Second Year B Pharm Notes, Syllabus, Books, PDF Subjectwise/Topicwise

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