January 19, 2025

Determination of sedimentation volume with the effect of different concentrations of single suspending agent

Determination of sedimentation volume with the effect of different concentrations of single suspending agent

BP407P Physical Pharmaceutics II Practical


Determination of Sedimentation volume With Effect of Different Concentration of Single Suspending Agent



Pharmaceutical suspension may be defined as a coarse dispersion in which insoluble solids are suspended in a liquid medium. It is also known as a heterogeneous system (or) more precisely biphasic system. The insoluble solids may have a size range from 10-10000µm and the liquid medium is normally water or a water-based vehicle.


Suspending agent is defined as a physiologically inert substance which increases the viscosity when added to suspensions. It helps in keeping the dispersed particles. Suspended thus there enhanced the physical stability and re-dispersion of the sediment or shaking.


Physical stability may be defined as a condition in which particles remain uniformly distributed throughout the dispersion with any signs of sedimentation.
In practice, Physical stability may be defined as a condition in which particles should be easily re- suspended by a moderate shaking. If they settle suspensions when kept aside. The solids tend to settle at the bottom of the container due to gravitational pull on the particles of higher size. It is not possible to prevent the sedimentation volume and its case of re-dispersion is the common evaluation procedure for assessing the physical stability. The two sedimentation parameters are employed such as

  1. Sedimentation volume
  2. Degree of flocculation


• When a suspension is taken in a measuring cylinder volume and height is proportional and height can be conveniently measured through the term volume is included in the terminology sedimentation volume “F” is a dimension less number. The most pharmaceutical suspension has an “F” value of less than one. If f=1 the product has no sediment and no clear supernatant on standing which is an ideal condition. Normally “F” value lies between 0 and 1. Sometimes the network of flow is loose and fluffy and the ultimate volume of sediment increases. In this situation, “F” value will be greater than one.


  1. Separately prepare 5% w/v of calcium carbonate suspension with0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2 % of single suspending agent such as (bentonite) in different vessel. Add a small quantity of water and triturate well. After the powder is uniformly suspended transfer the suspension into a separate 100ml measuring cylinder.
  2. Makeup the volume to 100ml with distilled water
  3. Shake the suspension simultaneously and kept aside
  4. Note the volume of sediment at time periods 0, 10, 20, 30,…60 minutes. Calculate the sedimentation volume
  5. Draw the plot by taking “F” values on the “Y” axis and the time on the “X” axis.


  • Increase the concentration of suspending agent and also increase the viscosity so lower the sedimentation volume
  • The concentration of single suspending agent bentonite has more physical stable.

Physical Pharmaceutics II Practical

  1. Determination of particle size, and particle size distribution using the sieving method
  2. Determination of particle size, and particle size distribution using the Microscopic method
  3. Determination of bulk density, true density and porosity
  4. Determine the angle of repose and the influence of lubricant on the angle of repose
  5. Determination of viscosity of liquid using Ostwald’s viscometer
  6. Determination of sedimentation volume with the effect of different suspending agent
  7. Determination of sedimentation volume with the effect of different concentrations of single suspending agent
  8. Determination of viscosity of semisolid by using Brookfield viscometer
  9. Determination of reaction rate constant first order.
  10. Determination of reaction rate constant second order
  11. Accelerated stability studies

Second Year B Pharm Notes, Syllabus, Books, PDF Subjectwise/Topicwise

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