December 10, 2024

Role of Pharmacists in Public Health Social Pharmacy Notes

Role of Pharmacists in Public Health Social Pharmacy Notes


Pharmacists play an important role in promoting public health and improving patient outcomes. Some of the key responsibilities of pharmacists in public health include:

  1. Medication management: Pharmacists work with patients to ensure that they are taking their medications safely and effectively. They also help to manage drug interactions and side effects, and work with patients to optimize their medication regimen.
  2. Chronic disease management: Pharmacists are trained to help patients manage chronic conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. They can provide education on healthy lifestyle habits, such as diet and exercise, and monitor patients’ progress.
  3. Immunization: Pharmacists can play an important role in promoting immunization and increasing vaccination rates. They can educate patients about the importance of vaccines and administer vaccines in a safe and effective manner.
  4. Screening and prevention: Pharmacists can screen patients for various health conditions, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and provide education on ways to prevent these conditions.
  5. Public health initiatives: Pharmacists can participate in public health initiatives, such as health fairs and disease screening programs, to improve the health of the community.
  6. Collaboration with other healthcare professionals: Pharmacists work closely with other healthcare professionals, such as doctors and nurses, to provide comprehensive care to patients. They also collaborate with public health agencies and other organizations to address public health concerns.

In conclusion, pharmacists play a critical role in promoting public health and improving patient outcomes. Their skills and knowledge are essential for ensuring the health and well-being of communities.


National Programme for Control of Vector-Borne Diseases (NVBDCP)

  1. Role of pharmacists;  Early detection & prompt referral for treatment by; Identifying symptomatic cases, Referring to diagnostic centers, Drug Distribution Centers (DDC), Fever Treatment Depots (FTDs), etc. 
  2. Ensuring rational use of prescribed medicines  Sensitizing people about various vector control measures.  
  3. Counseling on malaria/travelers malaria  Providing consumer health information & other IEC materials.  
  4.  In the case of TB Easy access for patients to the Government’s free anti-TB medicines i.e DOTS.
  5. Early identification of TB suspects, avoiding diagnostic delays 
  6. Rational Use of anti-TB medicines.
  7.  In the case of HIV Successful outcomes in the delivery of ART is possible through coordination & follow-up by different professionals in the healthcare team.
  8.  Thus pharmacists can play a very important role in the prevention, treatment & diagnosis of HIV/AIDS.
  9.  Pharmacists should be involved in the procurement, storage & distribution of quality Antiretroviral (ARV) medicines.
  10.  They can monitor ARV therapy, and ensure the proper use of medicines. 
  11. Pharmacists can get involved in various HIV prevention programs of NACO like;  Blood safety, STD control, Condom promotion, IEC & social mobilization, Care, support & treatment of patient living.

Family Welfare program

Pharmacists can contribute in the ways given below.

  1.  Spreading the message of the small family norm and its advantages,
  2.  Providing a reservoir of knowledge on family planning methods,
  3.  Helping clients in making an informed choice. 
  4.  Distributing family planning literature freely so that the customer can carry it home.


Pharmacists have thorough knowledge about medicines and their use and are in a better position to educate other health professionals about the rational use of medicines.

  1.  Pharmacists help in achieving the goal of rational use of medicines. 
  2.  Pharmacists are involved in the scientific procurement & distribution of medicines.
  3.  By having access to medicinal records the pharmacists are in a position to, • influence the selection of medicines, and dosage regimens, monitor patient compliance and therapeutics, and recognize and report adverse drug reactions (Pharmacovigilance).
  4.  Pharmacists have more opportunities to interact closely with the prescriber and patient and therefore, to promote the rational prescribing and use of drugs.
  5. It includes training modules, policy documents, useful publications, links to relevant national & international organizations, an event calendar to which additional events can be added & a mailing list to allow pharmacists to exchange points of view & experiences.


  1.  In rural areas, there are common issues of availability of medicines, doctors, prevention of ill health, and promotion of good health & environment.
  2.  Public sector involvement is poor & unreliable & private sector facilities are beyond reach. Pharmacists are located in every nook and corner of the country Ensuring the safe use of medicines, decreasing the wastage of scarce resources, Logistic procurement, storage & distribution of medicines, Providing information on medicines, and Responding to the symptoms.
  3.  In such situations, pharmacists can act as the first port of call & create a window of connectivity in medicine supply, advise on its proper use & become a link between community & health.




  1. Carrying out seminars, exhibitions, consumer awareness programs, etc.
  2. Publishing books, pamphlets, Patient Information leaflets, etc.
  3. Patient information and counselling on De-addiction services.


Mobile pharmacy and temporary Pharmacy related services in case of disaster management include :

 1) Distribution of medicines and related medical care 

 2) Educate the community on health, sanitation, hygiene, nutrition, infectious disease, and well-being.

 3) Provide first aid treatment for cuts, burns, hypothermia, rashes, fractures, etc.

 4) Review of medicine supply and dosage used in specific situations – diabetes, cardiac problem, pediatric population, etc.


Pharmacists can also play an important role in the development of national health policy.

Since,  Public health activities also occur on a macro level, or planning level. Macro-Level activities include assessing and prioritizing a community’s health needs, formulating public health priorities, and conducting research about public health activities. Pharmacists should be participating more in the development of public health policy. As medication experts, pharmacists should be contributing to policies regarding:

  • Emergency planning, service delivery, and pharma­ceutical inventories
  • Handling and disposal of hazardous drugs
  • Prescription drug monitoring programs
  • Immunization practices and registries
  • Needle exchange programs
  • Collaborative drug therapy management and CPAs
  • Disease prevention and management.

Chapter 1 Notes Social Pharmacy

1.1 Definition and Scope. 1.2 Role of Pharmacists in Public Health. 1.3 Concept of Health -WHO Definition
1.4 Dimensions of health1.5 Determinants of health, 1.6 Indicators of health. 1.7 National Health Policy–Indian perspective 1.8 Public and Private Health System in India1.9 National Health Mission 1.10 Introduction to Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 1.11  Introduction to Sustainable Development Goals 1.12 Introduction to FIP Development Goals.

F Y D Pharm Notes, Books, Syllabus, PDF, Videos

S. No.Name of the Course
1.ER20-11T Pharmaceutics Theory
2.ER20-11P Pharmaceutics Practical
3.ER20-12T Pharmaceutical Chemistry Theory
4.ER20-12P Pharmaceutical Chemistry Practical
5.ER20-13T Pharmacognosy Theory
6.ER20-13P Pharmacognosy Practical
7.ER20-14T Human Anatomy & Physiology Theory
8.ER20-14P Human Anatomy & Physiology Practical
9.ER20-15T Social Pharmacy Theory
10.ER20-15P Social Pharmacy Practical
F Y D Pharm Syllabus

Suggested readings