Presentation Skills
To study and learn presentation skills.
Presentation is a speech that is usually given in a formal setup – business, technical, Professional or scientific environment. An effective presentation creates a change in the audience; they become more informed or gain a better understanding of a particular subject. A good presentation is a kind of communication between the audience and the speaker.
Why Presentation?
To teach/ train
To gather opinions
To publicize an idea
To share findings of research
To highlight a problem(and to seek a solution)
To pass on information
To entertain
To motivate
Presentation formats:
Providing Information
Teaching a skill
Reporting progress
Selling a product, service or strategy
Obtaining a decision
Solving a problem
An outline for presentations:
What? Overview of the presentation.
Why? Purpose of the presentation(why the subject is important)
How? How will you deliver your presentation, what are the expectations of the audience from it?
Who ?If more than one person is presenting, provide introductions and indicate roles (don’t expect audience to memorize it.)
It must be well prepared. Writing can be re-read and portions skipped over, but with a presentation, the audience is at the mercy of the presenter.
Tell the audience. What you are going to tell them
Tell them ;and
Tell them what you have told them.
Some topics for presentation:
Global Warming
Science is a boon or bane
Social Media
Thus presentation skill was learned and studied.
First Year B Pharm Notes, Syllabus, Books, PDF Subjectwise/Topicwise
Suggested readings: