January 21, 2025

Preparation of Eye drops

Preparation of Eye drops

BP506P Industrial Pharmacy I Practical

Aim: To Prepare and submit 15m1 eye drops.

Theory: Ophthalmic preparations are sterile products, essentially free from foreign particles, suitably formulated and packaged in a suitable containers for either topical application to the eyelids or instillation into the cu-de-sac between the eyeball and eyelids. Eye drops are sterile aqueous or oily solutions or suspension of one or, more medicaments intended for installation into the conjunctival sac for therapeutic purposes.

Oily eye drops are less used but may nevertheless occasionally be requested. Certain eye drops may be supplied in a drug, sterile form to be reconstituted in an appropriate sterile liquid immediately before use. In such cases, the label should state clearly on the container ‘Powder for eye drop’ and should include directions for the use of eye drops.

Aqueous eye drops contain suitable antimicrobial preservatives at the appropriate concentrations because it is intended for use on more than one occasion: The antimicrobial preservatives should be compatible with the other ingredients of the preparation and should remain effective throughout the shelf life of the eye

drops. Eyes drops sometimes do not have medications in them and are only lubricating and tear-replacing solutions. The most commonly employed ophthalmic dosage forms are solutions, suspensions and ointments.

Synonym: Oculumguttae

Examples of eye drops; Zinc sulphate eye drop, Framycetin eye drop, Pilocarpine eye drop, Silver nitrate eye drop

IngredientsQty givenQty taken
Atropine sulphate  
Sodium chloride  
Sterile purified water  

Apparatus. Beaker. glass stirring rod, measuring cylinder, autoclave, spatula.

Procedure :

Weigh and measure all the required ingredients of eye drop properly and keep separately Take 50rn1 beaker and dissolve sodium chloride in sterile purified water.

Add atropin sulphate and dissolve it by continuous shaking. The eye drop is clarified by passing through membrane filter.

Sterilize the product by autoclaving at 121∘c for 30 minutes.


15ml plastic dropper bottles.


Storage condition:Store below 23•C Protect from light.

Eye drop. (Each I ml contains 10 mg atropine Sulfate (I %).


To induce mydriasis and cvcloplegia.

It also acts on the blood vessels of the iris and ciliary body to restore natural permeability.

Conditions which cause inflammation of the anterior segment e.g. iridocyclitis and anterior uveitis.


Name of the testSpecificationObservation
AppearanceClear, colourless 
Clarity testFree from particulate matter 
Sterility teststerile 


Eye drops is prepared and submitted.

Industrial Pharmacy I Practical

  1. Preformulation studies on paracetamol/aspirin/or any other drug
  2. Preparation and evaluation of Paracetamol tablets
  3. Preparation and evaluation of Aspirin tablets
  4. Coating of tablets- film coating of tables/granules
  5. Preparation and evaluation of Tetracycline capsules
  6. Preparation of Calcium Gluconate injection
  7. Preparation of Ascorbic Acid injection
  8. Quality control test of (as per IP) marketed tablets and capsules
  9. Preparation of Eye drops/ and Eye ointments
  10. Preparation of Creams (cold / vanishing cream)
  11. Evaluation of Glass containers (as per IP)

Third Year B Pharm Notes, Syllabus, Books, PDF Subjectwise/Topicwise

T Y B Pharm Sem VT Y B Pharm Sem VI
BP501T Medicinal Chemistry II TheoryBP601T Medicinal Chemistry III Theory
BP502T Industrial Pharmacy TheoryBP602T Pharmacology III Theory
BP503T Pharmacology II TheoryBP603T Herbal Drug Technology Theory
BP504T Pharmacognosy II TheoryBP604T Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics Theory
BP505T Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence TheoryBP605T Pharmaceutical Biotechnology – Theory
BP506P Industrial Pharmacy I PracticalBP606T Quality Assurance Theory
BP507P Pharmacology II PracticalBP607P Medicinal chemistry III Practical
BP508P Pharmacognosy II PracticalBP608P Pharmacology III Practical
BP609P Herbal Drug Technology Practical

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