- Introduction and study of different equipment and processing, e.g., B.O.D. incubator, laminar flow, aseptic hood, autoclave, hot air sterilizer, deep freezer, refrigerator, and microscopes used in experimental microbiology.
- Sterilization of glassware, preparation, and sterilization of media.
- A. Subculturing of bacteria and fungus. B. Nutrient stabs and slants preparations.
- Staining methods- Simple, Grams staining and acid-fast staining (Demonstration with practical).
- Isolation of pure culture of micro-organisms by multiple streak plate techniques and other techniques.
- Microbiological assay of antibiotics by cup plate method and other methods
- Motility determination by Hanging drop method.
- Sterility testing of pharmaceuticals.
- Bacteriological analysis of water
- Biochemical test.
Recommended Books (Latest edition)
- W.B. Hugo and A.D. Russel: Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Blackwell Scientific publications, Oxford London.
- Prescott and Dunn., Industrial Microbiology, 4th edition, CBS Publishers & Distributors, Delhi.
- Pelczar, Chan Kreig, Microbiology, Tata McGraw Hill edn.
- Malcolm Harris, Balliere Tindall and Cox: Pharmaceutical Microbiology.
- Rose: Industrial Microbiology.
- Probisher, Hinsdill et al: Fundamentals of Microbiology, 9th ed. Japan
- Cooper and Gunn’s: Tutorial Pharmacy, CBS Publisher and Distribution.
- Peppler: Microbial Technology.
- I.P., B.P., U.S.P.- latest editions.
- Ananthnarayan: Text Book of Microbiology, Orient-Longman, Chennai
- Edward: Fundamentals of Microbiology.
- N.K.Jain: Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Vallabh Prakashan, Delhi
- Bergeys manual of systematic bacteriology, Williams and Wilkins- A Waverly company
Microbiology MCQ with answers:
- Unit I MCQ Introduction to Microbiology, Microscopy, Bacteria
- Unit 2 MCQ Staining techniques, Biochemical tests, and methods of sterilization
- Unit 3 MCQ Fungi and Viruses, Antiseptics and disinfectants
- Unit 4 MCQ Microbiological assay, test, and aseptic area
- Unit 5 MCQ Cell culture, Preservatives, and microbiological spoilage
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