January 19, 2025

307P Pharmaceutical Microbiology Practical, Lab Manual, PDF, Journal, Downloads, Books

  1. Introduction and study of different equipment and processing, e.g., B.O.D. incubator, laminar flow, aseptic hood, autoclave, hot air sterilizer, deep freezer, refrigerator, and microscopes used in experimental microbiology.
  2. Sterilization of glassware, preparation, and sterilization of media.
  3. A. Subculturing of bacteria and fungus. B. Nutrient stabs and slants preparations.
  4. Staining methods- Simple, Grams staining and acid-fast staining (Demonstration with practical).
  5. Isolation of pure culture of micro-organisms by multiple streak plate techniques and other techniques.
  6. Microbiological assay of antibiotics by cup plate method and other methods
  7. Motility determination by Hanging drop method.
  8. Sterility testing of pharmaceuticals.
  9. Bacteriological analysis of water
  10. Biochemical test.

  1. W.B. Hugo and A.D. Russel: Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Blackwell Scientific publications, Oxford London.
  2. Prescott and Dunn., Industrial Microbiology, 4th edition, CBS Publishers & Distributors, Delhi.
  3. Pelczar, Chan Kreig, Microbiology, Tata McGraw Hill edn.
  4. Malcolm Harris, Balliere Tindall and Cox: Pharmaceutical Microbiology.
  5. Rose: Industrial Microbiology.
  6. Probisher, Hinsdill et al: Fundamentals of Microbiology, 9th ed. Japan
  7. Cooper and Gunn’s: Tutorial Pharmacy, CBS Publisher and Distribution.
  8. Peppler: Microbial Technology.
  9. I.P., B.P., U.S.P.- latest editions.
  10. Ananthnarayan: Text Book of Microbiology, Orient-Longman, Chennai
  11. Edward: Fundamentals of Microbiology.
  12. N.K.Jain: Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Vallabh Prakashan, Delhi
  13. Bergeys manual of systematic bacteriology, Williams and Wilkins- A Waverly company

Microbiology MCQ with answers:

Second Year B Pharm Notes, Syllabus, Books, PDF Subjectwise/Topicwise

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