January 22, 2025

2.2 Pharmaceutical microbiology Pharm D Syllabus, Notes, PDF, Books, Downloads, MCQ


2.2 Pharmaceutical microbiology Pharm D Syllabus, Notes, PDF, Books, Downloads, MCQ


Microbiology MCQ

1 Introduction to the science of microbiology.

Major divisions of microbial world and Relationships among them.

2 Different methods of classification of microbes
Different methods of classification of Bacteria,
Different methods of classification of Fungi,
Different methods of classification of Viruses,
Different methods of classification of Rickettsiae, and
Different methods of classification of Spirochetes.

3 Nutritional requirements, growth, and cultivation of bacteria.

Study of different important media required for the growth of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria
Differential media, enriched media, and selective media, maintenance of lab cultures.

Nutritional requirements, growth, and cultivation of fungi

Nutritional requirements, growth, and cultivation of viruses

4 Different methods used in the

Isolation of bacteria

Identification of bacteria with an emphasis on different staining techniques and biochemical reactions.

Counting of bacteria Total and Viable counting techniques.

5 Detailed study of different methods of sterilization including their merits and demerits.

Sterilization methods for all pharmaceutical products.

Detailed study of sterility testing of different pharmaceutical preparations.

Brief information on Validation.

6 Disinfectants-

Study of disinfectants, antiseptics, fungicidal, and virucidal agents
Factors affecting their activation and mechanism of action.

Evaluation of bactericidal, bacteriostatic, and virucidal activities,

Evaluation of preservatives in pharmaceutical preparations.

7 Immunology-

Immunity, Definition, Classification,
General principles of natural immunity,
acquired immunity( active and passive ).
Antigens, chemical nature of antigens structure and formation of Antibodies,
Antigen-Antibody reactions.

Bacterial exotoxins and endotoxins.

Significance of toxoids in active immunity,

Immunization program, and importance of booster dose.

8 Diagnostic tests:

Schick’s Test,
Elisa test,
Western Blot test,
Southern Blot PCR Widal,
Mantaux Peripheral smear.

Study of malarial parasite.

9 Microbial culture sensitivity Testing: Interpretation of results Principles and methods of different microbiological assays,

Microbiological assay of Penicillin
Microbiological assay of Streptomycin
Microbiological assay of Vitamin B2
Microbiological assay of Vitamin B12.

Standardisation of vaccines and sera.

10 Study of infectious diseases:

Syphilis & Gonorrhea and


Pharmaceutical microbiology Practical

1 Study of apparatus used in experimental microbiology
2 Sterilisation of glassware. Preparation of media and sterilization.
3 Staining techniques – Simple staining; Gram’s staining; Negative staining
4 Study of motility characters
5 Enumeration of micro-organisms (Total and Viable)
6 Study of the methods of isolation of pure culture.
7 Biochemical testing for the identification of micro-organisms.
8 Cultural sensitivity testing for some microorganisms.
9 Sterility testing for powders and liquids.
10 Determination of minimum inhibitory concentration.
11 Microbiological assay of antibiotics by cup plate method.
12 Microbiological assay of vitamins by Turbidometric method
13 Determination of RWC.
14 Diagnostic tests for some common diseases, Widal, malarial parasite.

Second-Year Pharm D Subjects

2.2Pharmaceutical  Microbiology
2.3Pharmacognosy & Phytopharmaceuticals
2.5Community Pharmacy

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