Ex Pharm software (Experimental – Pharmacology) - Series
Ex Pharm Software
About Ex Pharm (Experimental – Pharmacology) – Series software
This is a computer-assisted learning package containing various programs which simulate animal experiments in Pharmacology.
These programs can be used to demonstrate drugs on different animal systems. The package is user-friendly, highly interactive, and full of animated sequences which make the simulation appear realistic.
The current version of the Ex-Pharm series consists of the following computer-simulated experiments:
Ex Pharm software Experiments List
01. Experiment on effects of various drugs (Mydriatic, Miotic and Local Anaesthetic) on rabbit’s eye.
– Epinephrine
– Atropine
– Ephedrine
– Physostigmine
– Lignocaine
02. Study of Analgesic activity with the help of “Tail Flick Apparatus” (Analgesiometer).
03. Study of Analgesic activity with the help of “Hot Plate Apparatus” (Analgesiometer).
04. To study analgesic activity by writhing test.
05. Study of Antihistaminic drugs/Anti allergic drugs by mast cell stabilization method with help of “Histamine Chamber”
06. Study of Muscle Relaxant activity with the help of “Rota-Rod Apparatus”.
07 Study of CNS Depressants & Stimulants Using “Actophotometer“.
08. Study of Drugs acting on CNS (Including Anxiolytic Activity) using following modules
– Elevated Plus Maze Method
– Pole Climbing Method
09. Study of anticonvulsant activity using “Electro Convulsiometer”.
10. To study PTZ induced convulsions in mice
11. Study of effect of hepatic microsomal enzyme inducers on the phenobarbitone sleeping time in mice.
12. To study the action of strychnine/ anaesthetic on frog neurons (excitability).
13. Simulation of pupil control
– Effects of the physiological stimuli and drugs on the papillary reflexes.
– Simulation of the control in patient with partial parasymathectomy.
14. Test for pyrogens using rabbits.
15. Effect of drugs on isolated guinea pig ileum (in-vitro).
16. To study respiratory depression effect on rabbit.
17. Study of stereotype and anti-catatonic activity of drugs on mice.
18. Experiments on thyroid and antithyroid drugs
– The effect of thyroxin, TSH, propylthiouracil, on metabolism.
19. Experiments on blood sugar
– The effect of insulin (hypoglycemic activity) and alloxan on blood glucose.
20. Study of anti-inflammatory activity using carrageenan induced paw oedema method
21. Study of diuretic activity using metabolic cage
22. Experiment on Effect of various drugs on Isolated Frog’s Heart. (DRC- Dose Response Curve)
– Epinephrine
– Norepinephrine
– Isopreneline
– Calcium Chloride
– Prapanolol
– Actyelcholine
– Potassium chloride
– Atropine sulphate
23. Experiments on effect of different drugs on dog BP & heart rate.
1. Virtual Practice- Effects of drugs on the dog BP and Heart Rate.
2. Effects of Vasopressor and Vasodepressor with appropriate blockers.
a. Virtual Practice- Reversal action of adrenaline on blood pressure and heart rate.
b. Virtual Practice- Reversal action of acetylcholine on blood pressure and heart rate.
24. Experiments on Lagendorff’s Apparatus
– Effect of coronary vasodilators on isolated heart
– Effect of parasympathomimetics
25. Experiment on Bioassay of Histamine on the Ileum of Guinea Pig.
26. Bioassay of Acetylcholine on the isolated rectus abdominis muscle of frog
(a) By Matching Method, (b) By Interpolation Method, (c) By 3 Point Method, (d) By 4 Point Method.
27. Bioassay of oxytocin on the isolated rat uterine horn by following methods
(a) By Matching Method, (b) By Interpolation Method, (c) By 3 Point Method, (d) By 4 Point Method.
28. Bioassay of serotonin on the isolated rat fundus strip by following methods
(a) By Matching Method, (b) By Interpolation Method, (c) By 3 Point Method, (d) By 4 Point Method.
29. To record the DRC and to determine the PD2 value for acetylcholine on frog rectus abdominis muscle.
30. Study of anti-ulcer activity – using pylorus ligation method.
31. Evaluation of effect of acetylcholine (spasmogens) using rabbit jejunum
32. Evaluation of effect of different drugs on ciliary motility.
33. Evaluation of effect of saline purgatives on frog intestine.
34. Determination of acute irritation of a test substance.
– Skin irritation (Including edema formation)
Ex Pharm Software FAQ:
This is computer-assisted learning (CAL) software, containing various programs which simulate animal experiments in pharmacology. The modules in the software can be used to demonstrate the effect of drugs on different animal systems. The software has been used and trusted by pharmacologists for many years. The package is user-friendly, highly interactive, and full of animated sequences which make the simulation appear realistic. The current version of Ex-Pharm (Experimental Pharmacology) – Series Software consists of the following computer-simulated experiments:
The software is aimed at medical, pharmacy, ayurveda, veterinary, and dental science students. The software can also be used by students of paramedical courses such as nursing, medical laboratory technology, physiotherapy, etc.
1. The software can be subscribed to by filling online subscription form.
2. The software can also be subscribed by sending the filled
subscription form with the requisite fees (as mentioned in the form), to
the below-mentioned address.
Health Education Bureau, 55/20, Rajat Path, Mansarovar, Jaipur,
Rajasthan, PIN-302020.
MCI has issued guidelines through Gazette Notification No. MCI-34(41)/2013-Med./64022; Dated 19 March 2014. The mentioned guidelines has stated that “For teaching Physiology and Pharmacology in UG curriculum, the required knowledge and skills should be imparted by using Computer Assisted modules”.
PCI has issued guidelines through Gazette Notification No.10-1/2012- PCI; Dated 25 August 2014. The mentioned guidelines has stated that “Wherever animal experimentations are prescribed in the curriculum, the required knowledge and skill should be imparted by using computer-assisted modules”.
National Medical Commission notification (ex pharm series software)
NMC has issued MSR for Medical Colleges through Gazette Notification, Dated 29 Oct 2020. The mentioned regulations have stated that pharmacology experiments should be done by computer-assisted learning software (Please see page number 64 & 75).
Veterinary Council of India notification
As per Veterinary Council of India (Minimum Standards of Veterinary Education)- Degree Course (B.V.Sc. & A.H.) Regulations,2016, all veterinary colleges should have simulation laboratory (as mentioned on page number 141, point number XXV)
Online subscription (ex pharm software price)
Virtual Pharmacology – Animal Simulator – Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) – Software