January 21, 2025

National immunization schedule for children, adult vaccine schedule

National immunization schedule for children, adult vaccine schedule

ER20-15P Social Pharmacy Practical

AgeVaccines given
BirthBacillus  Calmette  Guerin  (BCG),  Oral  Polio  Vaccine  (OPV)-0  dose, Hepatitis B birth dose
  6 WeeksOPV-1, Pentavalent-1, Rotavirus Vaccine (RVV)-1, Fractional dose of Inactivated Polio Vaccine (fIPV)-1, Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) -1*
10 weeksOPV-2, Pentavalent-2, RVV-2
14 weeksOPV-3, Pentavalent-3, fIPV-2, RVV-3, PCV-2*
9-12 monthsMeasles & Rubella (MR)-1, JE-1** , PCV-Booster*
16-24 monthsMR-2, JE-2**, Diphtheria, Pertussis & Tetanus (DPT)-Booster-1, OPV – Booster
5-6 yearsDPT-Booster-2
10 yearsTetanus & adult Diphtheria (Td)
16 yearsTd
Pregnant MotherTd-1, Td-2 or Td-Booster***
  • PCV in selected states/districts: Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh (selected districts) and Rajasthan; in Haryana as state initiative

** JE in endemic districts only

*** One dose if previously vaccinated within 3 years

National Immunization Schedule (NIS) for Infants, Children and Pregnant Women (Vaccine-wise)

VaccineWhen to giveDoseRouteSite
For Pregnant Women
Tetanus & adult Diphtheria (Td)- 1Early in pregnancy0.5 mlIntra-muscularUpper Arm
Td-24 weeks after Td- 10.5 mlIntra-muscularUpper Arm
Td- BoosterIf received 2 TT/Td doses in a pregnancy within the last 3 years*0.5 mlIntra-muscularUpper Arm
For Infants
Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG)At birth or as early as possible till one year of age0.1ml (0.05ml until 1 month age)Intra-dermalLeft Upper Arm
Hepatitis B – Birth doseAt birth or as early as possible within 24 hours0.5 mlIntra-muscularAntero-lateral side of mid- thigh
Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV)-0At birth or as early as possible within the first 15 days2 dropsOralOral
OPV 1, 2 & 3At 6 weeks, 10 weeks & 14 weeks (OPV can be given till 5 years of age)2 dropsOralOral
Pentavalent 1, 2 & 3At 6 weeks, 10 weeks & 14 weeks (can be given till one year of age)0.5 mlIntra-muscularAntero-lateral side of mid- thigh
Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine(PCV)Two primary doses at 6 and 14 weeks followed by Booster dose at 9-12 months0.5 mlIntra-muscularAntero-lateral side of mid- thigh
Rotavirus (RVV)At 6 weeks, 10 weeks & 14 weeks (can be given till one year of age)5 drops (liquid vaccine) 2.5 ml (lyophilized vaccine)OralOral
Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV)Two fractional dose at 6 and 14 weeks of age0.1 mlIntra dermal two fractional doseIntra-dermal: Right upper arm
Measles Rubella (MR) 1st  dose9 completed months-12 months. (Measles can be given till 5 years of age)0.5 mlSub-cutaneousRight upper Arm
VaccineWhen to giveDoseRouteSite
Japanese Encephalitis (JE) – 19 completed months-12 months.0.5 ml  Sub-cutaneous (Live attenuated vaccine)       Intramuscular(Killed vaccine)  Left upper Arm (Live attenuated vaccine)   Anterolateral aspect of mid thigh (Killed vaccine)
Vitamin A (1st  dose)At 9 completed months with measles-Rubella1 ml ( 1 lakh  IU)OralOral
For Children
Diphtheria, Pertussis & Tetanus (DPT) booster-116-24 months0.5 mlIntra-muscularAntero-lateral side of mid-thigh
MR 2nd  dose16-24 months0.5 mlSub-cutaneousRight upper Arm
OPV Booster16-24 months2 dropsOralOral
JE-216-24 months0.5 ml  Sub-cutaneous (Live attenuated vaccine)       Intramuscular(Killed vaccine)  Left upper Arm (Live attenuated vaccine)   Anterolateral aspect of mid thigh (Killed vaccine)
Vitamin A (2nd to 9th dose)16-18 months. Then one dose every 6 months up to the age of 5 years.2 ml (2 lakh  IU)OralOral
DPT Booster-25-6 years0.5 ml.Intra-muscularUpper Arm
Td10 years & 16 years0.5 mlIntra-muscularUpper Arm

*One dose if previously vaccinated within 3 years Note:

  • JE Vaccine is introduced in select endemic districts after the campaign.
    • The 2nd    to 9th    doses of Vitamin A can be administered to children 1-5 years old during biannual rounds, in collaboration with ICDS.
    • PCV in selected states/districts: Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan & Uttar Pradesh (selected districts), and in Haryana as state initiative

F Y D Pharm & S Y D Pharm Notes, Books, Syllabus, PDF, Videos

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ER20-11P Pharmaceutics PracticalER20-21P Pharmacology Practical
ER20-12T Pharmaceutical Chemistry TheoryER20-22T Community Pharmacy & Management Theory
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ER20-13T Pharmacognosy TheoryER20-23T Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology Theory
ER20-13P Pharmacognosy PracticalER20-23P Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology Practical
ER20-14T Human Anatomy Physiology TheoryER20-24T Pharmacotherapeutics Theory
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ER20-15T Social Pharmacy TheoryER20-25T Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy Theory
ER20-15P Social Pharmacy PracticalER20-25P Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy Practical
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