Design a form in MS Access to view, add, delete and modify the patient record in the database
BP210P Computer Applications in Pharmacy Practical
Design a form in MS Access to view, add, delete and modify the patient record in the database.
A form is type of a database object that is primarily used or display data in a database. You can also use a form as a switchboard that opens other forms and reports in the database, or as a custom dialog box that accepts user input and carries out an action based on the input.
Most forms are bound to one or more tables and query in the database. A form need not contain all the fields from each of the tables or queries it is based on.
Let’s start creating a form
Step 1: Click creates button then select more forms option and click on form wizard to select it.

Step 2: As you click on form wizard dialogue box as shown below will appear.

As we know the forms can be designed with some selected fields. This dialogue box can be used to select those fields we want in our forms. Let’s create a form containing the name and address of a patient
Step 3: Click on the Name field in the available fields: section and click the greater-than sign (>). Note the field moves to the selected fields: section and then click the next button.

Step 4: Click the columnar format ratio button from the list.

Step 5: Click the next button of the dialog box. This dialog box confirms what style you would like your form to be displayed in.

Step 6: Click the office option from the list and click the next button.
Step 7: In the following screen, we need to give a title for our form. Let us call it Patient Record. Once you have given your form a title, you can open the form to see what that form looks like, or you can begin entering information into your table. Or you can choose the option to modify the form’s design. Let us choose the first option to open the form to view or enter information and click Finish.

Now, take a look at the following screenshot. This is what your form looks like. This is a single item form, meaning one record is displayed at a time further down you can see the navigation buttons, which is telling us that this is displaying the record 1 of 3. If you click on that button then, it will move to the next record.

Step 8: If you want to add new employee information, go to the end of this records and then after 3 records you will see a blank form where you can begin entering out the new employee’s information.

Step 9: After viewing all records click the close button to return back to database window
BP210P Computer Applications in Pharmacy Practical
- Design a questionnaire using a word processing package to gather information about a particular disease.
- Create an HTML web page to show personal information.
- Retrieve the information of a drug and its adverse effects using online tools
- Creating mailing labels Using Label Wizard, generating labels in MS WORD
- Create a database in MS Access to store the patient information with the required fields Using access
- Design a form in MS Access to view, add, delete and modify the patient record in the database
- Generating report and printing the report from the patient database
- Creating invoice table using MS Access
- Drug information storage and retrieval using MS Access
- Creating and working with queries in MS Access
- Exporting Tables, Queries, Forms and Reports to web pages
- Exporting Tables, Queries, Forms and Reports to XML pages
First Year B Pharm Notes, Syllabus, Books, PDF Subjectwise/Topicwise
First Year B Pharm Notes, Syllabus, Books, PDF Subjectwise/Topicwise
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