Mother and child health
Chapter 2 Social Pharmacy Notes 2.1 Demography and Family Planning, 2.2 Mother and child health, 2.3 Importance of breastfeeding, 2.4 Ill effects of infant milk substitutes and bottle feeding 2.5 Overview of Vaccines, 2.6 Types of immunity 2.7 Immunization 2.8 Effect of Environment on Health 2.8.1 Water pollution Importance of safe drinking water, waterborne diseases 2.8.2 Air pollution 2.8.3 Noise pollution 2.8.4 Sewage and solid waste disposal 2.8.5 Occupational illnesses 2.8.6 Environmental pollution due to pharmaceuticals 2.8.7 Psychosocial Pharmacy: Drugs of misuse and abuse – psychotropics, narcotics, alcohol, tobacco products.
Pharmacist in Mother and Child care
If any problem comes regarding to the mother or child health then pharmacists supply various contraceptive options and prescribe initiate emergency contraception.
· Aware the parents and supply vitamins and nutritional supplements, including folic acid and iron supplements and also promote cessation of alcohol and nicotine use.
· Pharmacists recommend drug therapy, dosages, and duration of the essential medicine during the pregnancy and also decide the drug for developing embryo.
· Pharmacists make decisions regarding the accessibility of critical medications in labour and delivery and provide required sterile medication products during delivery.
· Pharmacists, support breastfeeding (when replacement feeding is acceptable, feasible, affordable, sustainable and safe, avoidance of all breastfeeding by HIV- infected mothers is recommended).
· Pharmacists supply the effective treatment to the child and drug therapy (Oral rehydration salts and Zinc therapy) and also ensure no deficiencies quality, purity, or potency of medicinal products.
· Pharmacists also participated in health programs and are aware of the parents to any disease conditions and provide the proper precaution.
Various Program for Mother and Child Care
Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram
Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA)
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