January 21, 2025

Malaria symptoms causative agent prevention

Malaria symptoms causative agent prevention

What are the Causative agents of Malaria?

Female anopheles mosquito species

  • Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium P falciparum.Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium malaria
  • What are the modes of transmission of malaria?

  • It is transmitted by the bite of a female Anopheles mosquito. (Vector transmission).

  • It can also be transmitted through infected needles and syringes and by blood transfusion.
  • What are the symptoms of Malaria?

    1. Periodic Fever
    2. Periodic Chills 
    3. Enlargement of the spleen.
    4. Secondary anaemia

    Causative Agent:  Female anopheles mosquito species:

    1. Plasmodium vivax, 
    2. Plasmodium falciparum,
    3.  Plasmodium P falciparum.
    4. Plasmodium ovale, 
    5. Plasmodium malaria 

    Modes of Transmission:

    1. It is transmitted by the bite of a female Anopheles mosquito. (Vector transmission).
    2. It can also be transmitted through infected needles and syringes and by blood transfusion.


    1. Periodic Fever

    2. Periodic Chills 

    3. Enlargement of the spleen.

    4. Secondary anaemia.

    Prevention and Control: 

    1. Control of disease by early diagnosis through examination of blood smear.
    2. Do not allow water to collect around the house and the locality.
    3. Immediate notification to health authority.
    4. Prevention of mosquito bite by either rubbing the mosquito repellant or using mosquito nets or destruction of mosquitoes by spraying DDT, BHC or Kerosene. 
    5. All weeds and wild growth should be removed from the locality so as to eliminate the breeding places for mosquitoes.
    6. Hygienic measures like good drainage. This will prevent the stagnation of water where mosquitoes breed.
    7. Health education about proper drainage and sanitary measures.
    8. Treatment with antimalarial drugs like quinine and chloroquine.

    The life cycle of malarial parasite:

    The life cycle of the malarial parasite can be classified into: 

    1. An asexual cycle which occurs in the infected host.
    2. A sexual life cycle which occurs in the mosquito.

    Asexual cycle:

    When a female anopheles mosquito bites a normal individual, it introduces sporozoites into circulation. The sporozoites are carried to the liver. They are converted into merozoites. The merozoites are then released in circulation. They enter red blood cells and multiply. The rupture of red blood cells releases more and more merozoites which coincides with the fever of malaria. Some of the merozoites differentiate into male and female sexual forms. These sexual forms are sucked when the mosquito bites an infected individual. 

    Sexual cycle:

    In the mosquito, the microgametocytes and macrogamatocytes unite to form a zygote. The zygote develops into ookinete, oocyst and then into sporozoites. The sporozoite is introduced into circulation, when the mosquito bites a normal individual.

    environment and health MCQ, environment and health d pharmacy MCQ,social and preventive pharmacy mcq

    F Y D Pharm Notes, Books, Syllabus, PDF, Videos

    S. No.Name of the Course
    1.ER20-11T Pharmaceutics Theory
    2.ER20-11P Pharmaceutics Practical
    3.ER20-12T Pharmaceutical Chemistry Theory
    4.ER20-12P Pharmaceutical Chemistry Practical
    5.ER20-13T Pharmacognosy Theory
    6.ER20-13P Pharmacognosy Practical
    7.ER20-14T Human Anatomy & Physiology Theory
    8.ER20-14P Human Anatomy & Physiology Practical
    9.ER20-15T Social Pharmacy Theory
    10.ER20-15P Social Pharmacy Practical
    F Y D Pharm Syllabus

    Suggested readings

    Recommended readings:

    • Performance Monitoring and Updates in AI-Enabled Medical Devices: FDA’s Guiding Principles

    • Lifecycle Management in AI-Enabled Medical Devices: FDA’s Comprehensive Framework

    • Data Management in AI-Enabled Medical Devices: Key to Safety and Effectiveness