Effect of drugs on locomotor activity using actophotometer
BP408P Pharmacology I Practical / S Y B Pharmacy Notes
To study the central nervous system depressant property of chlorpromazine on the locomotor activity of mice using actophotometer
Most of the central nervous system acting drugs influencing the locomotor activities in man and animals. The CNS depressant drugs such as barbiturates and alcohol reduces the motor activity while the stimulants such as caffeine, amphetamines increases the activity. In other words , the locomotor activity can be index of wakefulness of mental activity. The locomotor activity can be easily measured using an actophotometer . which operates on photoelectric cells which are connected in circuit with a counter . when the beam of light falling on the photocell is cut off by the animal, a count is recorded. An actophotometer could have either circular or square arena in which the animal moves. Both rats and mice may be used for testing in this equipment.
Animal: Mice (20-25gm)
Drugs: Chlorpromazine hydrochloride
Equipment : Actophotometer
- Weigh the animals and number them
- Turn on the equipment and place individually each mouse in the activity cage for 10 min. Note the basal activity score of all the animals.
- Inject chlorpromazine and after 30 min re-test each mouse for activity scores for 10 min. Note the difference in the activity before and after chlorpromazine.
- Calculate percent decrease in motor activity.
- Introduction to experimental pharmacology.
- Commonly used instruments in experimental pharmacology.
- Study of common laboratory animals.
- Maintenance of laboratory animals as per CPCSEA guidelines.
- Common laboratory techniques.
- Study of different routes of drugs administration in mice/rats.
- Study effect of hepatic microsomal enzyme inducers on phenobarbitone sleeping time in mice.
- Effect of drugs on ciliary motility of frog oesophagus
- Effect of drugs on rabbit eye.
- Effects of skeletal muscle relaxants using rota-rod apparatus.
- Effect of drugs on locomotor activity using actophotometer.
- Anticonvulsant effect of drugs by MES and PTZ method.
- Study of stereotype and anti-catatonic activity of drugs on rats/mice.
- Study of anxiolytic activity of drugs using rats/mice.
- Study of local anesthetics by different methods
Second Year B Pharm Notes, Syllabus, Books, PDF Subjectwise/Topicwise
Suggested readings:
Actophotometer (Dolphin make) provided with a digital counter, photocell and a light source were used to measure locomotor activity (horizontal movement) of animals. Each animal was placed in Actophotometer for 5 minutes and basal activity score was recorded for all animals.
Reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4117029
It consists of six built in photo sensor and 4 digit digital counter to indicate the loco meter activity. It measures then spontaneous and indicated activity with digital totalize. It also incorporates electric shock of up to 100 volts for activating rats. The stimulus is variable from 0 to 100v & indicating on meter
Locomotor activity is spontaneous movement of animals from one place to another.