February 19, 2025

Ilkovic equation in Polarography

Ilkovic equation in Polarography

The Ilkovic equation is used in polarography analysis to determine the diffusion coefficient of an electroactive species in solution. The equation is named after the Slovakian chemist Frantisek Ilkovic, who developed it in the 1930s.

The Ilkovic equation relates the current density (i) to the concentration of the electroactive species (C), the diffusion coefficient of the species (D), the electrode surface area (A), the electron charge (F), and the diffusion layer thickness (delta):

i = (FACD)/delta


i = current density (A/cm2) C = concentration of electroactive species (mol/cm3) D = diffusion coefficient of the species (cm2/s) A = electrode surface area (cm2) F = Faraday’s constant (96485 C/mol) delta = diffusion layer thickness (cm)

The Ilkovic equation assumes that the electroactive species is present in a homogeneous solution, and that the concentration and diffusion coefficient are constant throughout the solution. The equation also assumes that the electrode is planar and that the diffusion layer thickness is much smaller than the electrode size.

By measuring the current density at different concentrations of the electroactive species, the diffusion coefficient can be calculated using the Ilkovic equation. This information can then be used to determine other important electrochemical parameters, such as the rate of reaction and the kinetic parameters of the electrochemical process.

First Year B Pharm Notes, Syllabus, Books, PDF Subjectwise/Topicwise

F Y B Pharm Sem-IF Y B Pharm Sem-II
BP101T Human Anatomy and Physiology I TheoryBP201T Human Anatomy and Physiology II – Theory
BP102T Pharmaceutical Analysis I TheoryBP202T Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I Theory
BP103T Pharmaceutics I TheoryBP203T Biochemistry – Theory
BP104T Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry TheoryBP204T Pathophysiology – Theory
BP105T Communication skills TheoryBP205T Computer Applications in Pharmacy Theory
BP106RBT Remedial BiologyBP206T Environmental sciences – Theory
BP106RMT Remedial Mathematics TheoryBP207P Human Anatomy and Physiology II Practical
BP107P Human Anatomy and Physiology PracticalBP208P Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I Practical
BP108P Pharmaceutical Analysis I PracticalBP209P Biochemistry Practical
BP109P Pharmaceutics I PracticalBP210P Computer Applications in Pharmacy Practical
BP110P Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry Practical
BP111P Communication skills Practical
BP112RBP Remedial Biology Practical

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