February 19, 2025

1.1 Human Anatomy & Physiology Pharm D Syllabus, Notes, PDF, Books, Downloads

1.1 Human Anatomy & Physiology Pharm D Syllabus, Notes, PDF, Books, Downloads


1 Scope of anatomy and physiology, basic terminologies used in this subject (Description of the body as such planes and terminologies)

2 Structure of cell – its components and their functions.

3 Elementary tissues of the human body: epithelial & connective, Muscular and nervous tissues their sub-types and characteristics

4 a) Osseous system structure, composition and functions of the Skeleton.
b) Classification of joints, Types of movements of joints and disorders of joints (Definitions only)

MCQ Skeletal System Part 1: https://youtu.be/jZjflFGT0qU

MCQ Joints: https://youtu.be/EP2yMvlOpXk

5 Haemopoietic System

a) Composition and functions of blood
b) Haemopoesis and disorders of blood components (definition of disorder)
c) Blood groups
d) Clotting factors and mechanism
e) Platelets and disorders of coagulation

MCQ Blood Part 1: https://youtu.be/vqrV-nGfGzU
MCQ Blood Part 2: https://youtu.be/wBpvANri880

6 Lymph

a) Lymph and lymphatic system, composition, formation and circulation.
b) Spleen: structure and functions, Disorders
c) Disorders of the lymphatic system (definition only)

7 Cardiovascular system

a) Anatomy and functions of the heart
b) Blood vessels and circulation (Pulmonary, coronary and systemic circulation)
c) Electrocardiogram (ECG)
d) Cardiac cycle and heart sounds
e) Blood pressure – its maintenance and regulation
f) Definition of the following disorders: Hypertension, Hypotension, Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, Angina, Myocardial infarction, Congestive heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias

8 Respiratory system

a) Anatomy of respiratory organs and functions
b) Mechanism/physiology of respiration and regulation of respiration
c) Transport of respiratory gases
d) Respiratory volumes and capacities

Definition of: Hypoxia, Asphyxia, Dybarism, Oxygen therapy and resuscitation.

9 Digestive system

a) Anatomy and physiology of GIT
b) Anatomy and functions of accessory glands of GIT
c) Digestion and absorption
d) Disorders of GIT (definitions only)

MCQ Digestive System Part 1: https://youtu.be/R_3vYhHbdKo

10 Nervous system

a) Definition and classification of the nervous system
b) Anatomy, physiology and functional areas of the cerebrum
c) Anatomy and physiology of cerebellum
d) Anatomy and physiology of midbrain
e) Thalamus, hypothalamus and Basal Ganglia
f) Spinal card: Structure & reflexes – mono-poly-planter
g) Cranial nerves – names and functions
h) ANS – Anatomy & functions of sympathetic & parasympathetic N.S.

MCQ Nervous System Part 1: https://youtu.be/nwwSlDZSumY
MCQ Nervous System Part 2: https://youtu.be/U4MKJ_sfE4I

11 Urinary system

a) Anatomy and physiology of the urinary system
b) Formation of urine
c) Renin-Angiotensin system – Juxtaglomerular apparatus – acid base Balance
d) Clearance tests and micturition

12 Endocrine system

a) Pituitary gland
b) Adrenal gland
c) Thyroid and Parathyroid glands
d) Pancreas and gonads

13 Reproductive system

a) Male and female reproductive system
b) Their hormones – Physiology of menstruation
c) Spermatogenesis & Oogenesis
d) Sex determination (genetic basis)
e) Pregnancy and maintenance and parturition
f) Contraceptive devices

MCQ Reproductive system Part 1: https://youtu.be/9Tip0fnzZZQ

14 Sense organs

a) Eye
b) Ear
c) Skin
d) Tongue & Nose

MCQ Human Eye Part 1: https://youtu.be/ZEwcHhYE7EA
MCQ Human Eye Part 2: https://youtu.be/5ZjuZbkZR0w
MCQ Human Ear Part 1: https://youtu.be/9wnlacGNZd8

15 Skeletal muscles

a) Histology
b) Physiology of Muscle contraction
c) Physiological properties of skeletal muscle and their disorders (definitions)

16 Sports physiology

a) Muscles in exercise, Effect of athletic training on muscles and muscle performance,
b) Respiration in exercise, CVS in exercise, Body heat in exercise, Body fluids and salts in exercise,
c) Drugs and athletics


  1. Study of tissues of human body
    (a) Epithelial tissue
    (b) Muscular tissue
  2. Study of tissues of human body
    (a) Connective tissue
    (b) Nervous tissue
  3. Study of appliances used in haematological experiments.
  4. Determination of W.B.C. count of the blood
  5. Determination of R.B.C. count of the blood
  6. Determination of differential count of the blood.
  7. Determination of
    (a) Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate.
    (b) Hemoglobin content of Blood.
    (c) Bleeding time & Clotting time.
  8. Determination of
    (a) Blood Pressure.
    (b) Blood group.
  9. Study of various systems with the help of charts, models & specimens
    (a) Skeleton system part I-axial skeleton
    (b) Skeleton system part II- appendicular skeleton
    (c) Cardiovascular system
    (d) Respiratory system
    (e) Digestive system
    (f) Urinary system
    (g) Nervous system
    (h) Special senses.
    (i) Reproductive system.
  10. Study of different family planning appliances.
  11. To perform pregnancy diagnosis test.
  12. Study of appliances used in experimental physiology.
  13. To record simple muscle curves using gastrocnemius sciatic nerve preparation.
  14. To record a simple summation curve using gastrocnemius sciatic nerve preparation.
  15. To record the simple effect of temperature using gastrocnemius sciatic nerve preparation.
  16. To record the simple effect of load & after load using gastrocnemius sciatic nerve preparation.
  17. To record a simple fatigue curve using gastrocnemius sciatic nerve preparation.

First Year Pharm D Subjects Syllabus, Notes, PDF Books, MCQ

1.1Human Anatomy and Physiology
1.3Medicinal  Biochemistry
1.4Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry
1.5Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry
1.6Remedial Mathematics/ Biology

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