4.2 Hospital Pharmacy Pharm D Syllabus, Notes, PDF, Books, Downloads
1 Hospital: Organisation and functions
2 Hospital pharmacy-Organisation and management
a) Organizational structure-Staff, Infrastructure & workload statistics
b) Management of materials and finance
c) Roles & responsibilities of hospital pharmacist
3 The Budget – Preparation and implementation
4 Hospital drug policy
a) Pharmacy and Therapeutic Committee (PTC)
b) Hospital formulary
c) Hospital committees
-Infection committee
-Research and ethical committee
d) Developing therapeutic guidelines
e) Hospital pharmacy communication – Newsletter
5 Hospital pharmacy services
a) Procurement & warehousing of drugs and Pharmaceuticals
b) Inventory control
Definition, various methods of Inventory Control ABC, VED, EOQ, Lead time, safety stock
c) Drug distribution in the hospital
i) Individual prescription method
ii) Floor stock method
iii) Unit dose drug distribution method
d) Distribution of Narcotic and other controlled substances
e) Central sterile supply services – Role of pharmacist
6 Manufacture of Pharmaceutical preparations
a) Sterile formulations – large and small volume parenterals
b) Manufacture of Ointments, Liquids, and creams
c) Manufacturing of Tablets, granules, capsules, and powders
d) Total parenteral nutrition
7 Continuing professional development programs
Education and training
8 Radio Pharmaceuticals – Handling and packaging
9 Professional Relations and practices of hospital pharmacists
Hospital Pharmacy Practicals
- Assessment of drug interactions in the given prescriptions
- Manufacture of parenteral formulations, and powders.
- Drug information queries.
- Inventory control
List of Assignments:
- Design and Management of Hospital pharmacy department for a 300 bedded hospital.
- Pharmacy and Therapeutics committee – Organization, functions, and limitations.
- Development of a hospital formulary for 300 bedded teaching hospital
- Preparation of ABC analysis of drugs sold in one month from the pharmacy.
- Different phases of clinical trials with elements to be evaluated.
- Various sources of drug information and systematic approach to provide unbiased drug information.
- Evaluation of prescriptions generated in hospital for drug interactions and find out the suitable management.
Fourth Year Pharm D Subjects
4.1 | Pharmacotherapeutics-III |
4.2 | Hospital Pharmacy |
4.3 | Clinical Pharmacy |
4.4 | Biostatistics & Research Methodology |
4.5 | Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics |
4.6 | Clinical Toxicology |
Suggested readings:
Recommended readings:
- Pharmaceutics I Theory
- Pharmaceutics I Practical
- Pathophysiology
- Social Pharmacy Theory
- Computer Applications in Pharmacy Practical
- b pharmacy syllabus
- Pharmaceutical Analysis I Theory
- human anatomy and physiology
- Hospital Pharmacy Location Layout staff
- Pharmacovigilance Theory
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