Study effect of hepatic microsomal enzyme inducers on phenobarbitone
BP408P Pharmacology I Practical / S Y B Pharmacy Notes
To study the effect of hepatic microsomal enzyme induction on the duration of action of pentobarbital sodium.
The drugs which induce hepatic microsomal oxidative enzyme system enhance the metabolism of other drugs. as a result in the presence of an enzyme-inducer the duration of action of second drug will be reduced. This has significant clinical relevance because when more than one drug is administered at a time one drug may modify the action of another through the microsomal enzyme inducing property.
The common drugs which induce hepatic microsomal enzyme system are phenobarbitone and meprobamate. Co-administration of any drug with either of these drugs may effect the disposition of the second drug and therefore, the desired pharmacological effects. The students are advised to study various processes of drug metabolism before doing this experiment.
Animal: Mice(20-25g)
Drugs: Phenobarbitone sodium (dose : 50mg\kg ip, once a day for 5 days. Prepare a stock containing 5mg\ml of the drug and inject 1ml\100g of body weight of animal. Prepare fresh solution every day). Pentobarbital sodium (dose45 mg\ml of the drug and inject 1 ml\100 g of body weight of the animal).
- Weigh and number the animals. divide them into two groups, each comprising of at least 6 mice.
- To the first group inject phenobarbitone once daily for 5 days. To the second group inject distilled water, similarly, for 5 days.
- One hour after the last dose of phenobarbitone on the 5th day, inject pentobarbital to both the groups.
- Note the onset and duration of sleep due to pentobarbital in both the groups as done in the earlier experiment(5.1).
The inference the animals pretreated with phenobarbital sleep for a shorter duration of the time as compared to animals treated with distilled water.
- Introduction to experimental pharmacology.
- Commonly used instruments in experimental pharmacology.
- Study of common laboratory animals.
- Maintenance of laboratory animals as per CPCSEA guidelines.
- Common laboratory techniques. Blood withdrawal, serum and plasma separation, anesthetics and euthanasia used for animal studies.
- Study of different routes of drugs administration in mice/rats.
- Study effect of hepatic microsomal enzyme inducers on phenobarbitone sleeping time in mice.
- Effect of drugs on ciliary motility of frog oesophagus
- Effect of drugs on rabbit eye.
- Effects of skeletal muscle relaxants using rota-rod apparatus.
- Effect of drugs on locomotor activity using actophotometer.
- Anticonvulsant effect of drugs by MES and PTZ method.
- Study of stereotype and anti-catatonic activity of drugs on rats/mice.
- Study of anxiolytic activity of drugs using rats/mice.
- Study of local anesthetics by different methods
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