To demonstrate the general neurological examination
Aim :
To demonstrate the general neurological examination.
Procedure :
It involves the following steps :
History Taking
Taking a careful history of the subject is of great importance and requires great skill. It helps a lot in a later physical examination in a case of neurological disease. Barriers to communication with a patient of low level of intelligence, or when he/she is confused, or not fully conscious include impatience, boredom, disbelief, embarrassment and reproach. In such cases, help should be taken from the patient’s attendants.
In neurology patients, the history of the progress of the disease will provide the following valuable information.
- Parts of the nervous system involved, and
- The nature of the underlying pathology.
Understanding the pathological condition may lead the examiner to ask more questions for obtaining more information.
Common Signs and Symptoms of Neurological Disease:
The common signs and symptoms of neurological diseases are as follows :
- Speech and language defects such as dyarthria, dysphasia(cognitive disturbance ), and difficulty in communication.
- Partial unconsciousness (with restlessness) or coma.
- Altered behaviour and emotional state, eg, confusion, disorientation.
- Motor defects, eg, weakness, paralysis, fits (convulsions) , rigidity, tremors, involuntary movements, and alterations of gait.
- Sensory disturbances, eg, hyperesthesia, hypoesthesia, paraesthesia, general anaesthesia, analgesia, hyperalgesia, paralgesia, illusion, hallucination, etc.
- Effects of involvement of cranial nerves, eg, unilateral visual loss.
The major causes of these signs and symptoms are:
- Vascular insults (haemorrhage, ischemic strokes)
- Head and spinal injuries
- Infections (bacterial and viral)
- Nerve pressing by tumours, and so on
BP207P Human Anatomy and Physiology II Practical
To study the integumentary and special senses using specimens, models, etc.,
To study the nervous system using specimens, models, etc.,
To study the endocrine system using specimens, models, etc
To demonstrate the general neurological examination
To demonstrate the function of olfactory nerve
To examine the different types of taste.
To demonstrate the visual acuity
To demonstrate the reflex activity
Recording of body temperature
Determination of tidal volume and vital capacity.
Study of digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular systems, urinary and reproductive systems with the help of models, charts and specimens.
Recording of the basal mass index.
Study of family planning devices and pregnancy diagnosis test.
Demonstration of total blood count by cell analyzer
Permanent slides of vital organs and gonads
First Year B Pharm Notes, Syllabus, Books, PDF Subjectwise/Topicwise
Suggested readings
Recommended readings:
Pituitary Tumors: Understanding This Common Brain Condition
Hashimoto’s Disease: Understanding an Autoimmune Thyroid Condition
Is Cushing’s Syndrome Curable?