January 22, 2025

Evaporation: Pharmaceutical engineering MCQ with answers

Evaporation Pharmaceutical engineering MCQ with answers

Pharm Engg Chapterwise MCQ: UNIT-I MCQ * Flow of fluids * Size reduction * Size separation UNIT-II MCQ *Heat transfer *Distillation *Evaporation UNIT-III MCQ *Drying * Mixing UNIT-IV MCQ * Filtration * Centrifugation * UNIT-V MCQ Materials of construction * Corrosion

Which of the following conditions is correct for evaporation?
a. Constituents must be thermolabile
b. Liquids must be viscous
c. The solvent must be non-volatile
d. Solvent must be volatile

Answer: Solvent must be volatile

In the climbing film evaporator, the problem in the evaporation
a. Boiling point of liquid
b. Droplet formation
c. Entrainment of liquid
d. Film formation

Answer: Entrainment of liquid

Which is the factor that does not influence the rate of evaporation
a. Difference in vapour pressure
b. Melting points of solids
c. The surface area of the evaporator
d. The viscosity of the solution

Answer: Melting points of solids

Which condition of evaporation is used for the production of malt extract?
a. Atmospheric pressure
b. High-pressure
c. Normal pressure
d. Reduced pressure

Answer: Reduced pressure

Dry extract of belladonna is prepared by exposing the material to one of the following conditions
a. First to a higher temperature and then to a lower temperature
b. First to lower temperature and then to higher temperature
c. Higher temperature
d. Lower temperature

Answer: First to lower temperature and then to a higher temperature

Which equipment gives porous residue on evaporation
a. Film evaporator
b. Multiple effect evaporator
c. Open pan evaporator
d. Vacuum evaporator

Answer: Vacuum evaporator

Calandria consists of a number of
a. Baffles
b. Jackets
c. Outlets
d. Tubular surfaces

Answer: Tubular surfaces

Which operation is subsequent to evaporation?
a. Crystallization
b. Distillation
c. Drying
d. Extraction

Answer: Drying

Steam side film coefficients are increased by one of the following methods
a. Condensing liquid at low-temperature
b. Decreasing the velocity of liquid
c. Non-condensed gas in steam should be minimum
d. Temperature drop should be small

Answer: Non-condensed gas in steam should be minimum

The cost per square metre of the heating surface is usually high in one of the evaporators
a. Horizontal tube evaporator
b. Falling film evaporator
c. Steam jacketed kettle
d. Vertical tube evaporator

Answer: Horizontal tube evaporator

Which evaporator is used to concentrate insulin, liver extract and vitamins?
a. Climbing film evaporator
b. Falling film evaporator
c. Steam jacketed kettle
d. Vertical tube evaporator

Answer: Climbing film evaporator

In the climbing film evaporator, what is the purpose of the entrainment separator
a. Allowing the heat to transfer
b. Allowing the vapour to escape
c. Breaking the foam
d. Pulling the liquid up

Answer: Breaking the foam

What is the source of heat in most of the evaporators?
a. Coal
b. Hot water
c. Oil bath
d. Steam

Answer: Steam

In which type of evaporator, the formation of vapour film is assisted by gravity
a. Climbing film evaporator
b. Falling film evaporator
c. Steam jacketed kettle
d. Vertical tube evaporator

Answer: Falling film evaporator

From the following, select one which forms scales in an evaporator
a. Benzoic acid
b. Calcium sulphate
c. Salicylic acid
d. Sodium chloride

Answer: Sodium chloride

 Evaporator which helps in growing of coarse crystals
a. Forced circulation evaporator
b. Long tube vertical evaporator
c. Multiple effect evaporator
d. Short tube vertical evaporator

Answer: Forced circulation evaporator

Triple effect evaporator uses one of the following types of evaporators
Climbing film evaporator
b. Falling film evaporator
c. Steam jacketed kettle
d. Vertical tube evaporator

Answer: Vertical tube evaporator

Which of the following is more heat sensitive during evaporation?
a. Alkaloids
b. Glycosides
c. Hormones
d. Volatile oils

Answer: Glycosides

Which type of evaporator is suitable for thermolabile substances and high viscous preparations
a. Forced circulation evaporator
b. Long tube vertical evaporator
c. Multiple effect evaporator
d. Short tube vertical evaporator

Answer: Short tube vertical evaporator

Which one of the following factors increases the efficiency of the evaporator?
a. High moisture content
b. High-velocity flow
c. The high viscosity of liquid
d. A high volume of liquid

Answer: High-velocity flow

Select the preferable evaporator suitable for a corrosive liquid that gives a crystalline product
a. Climbing film evaporator
b. Falling film evaporator
c. Forced circulation evaporator
d. Vertical tube evaporator

Answer: Forced circulation evaporator

Normally evaporation process is carried out at one of the following experimental conditions
a. Above the boiling temperature
b. At the boiling temperature
c. Below the boiling temperature
d. Room temperature

Answer: Below the boiling temperature

What is the purpose of a deflector in a forced circulation evaporator?
a. Creates large surface area
b. Facilitates pumping of liquid
c. Promotes separation of liquid and vapour
d. Provides heat to the evaporator

Answer: Promotes separation of liquid and vapour

Which of the following is TRUE about the Multiple effect evaporator?
a. It is suitable for batch operation
b. It is highly economical relative to a single effect
c. It cannot attach more than two evaporators
d. It utilizes a horizontal tube evaporator

Answer: It is highly economical relative to a single effect

The quantity of vapour produced per unit of steam admitted is called
a. efficiency of the evaporator
b. capacity of the evaporator
c. productivity of evaporator
d. economy of the evaporator

Answer: economy of the evaporator

 The rate of evaporation reduces due to
a. films and deposits
b. high-temperature
c. large surface area
d. a longer time of exposure

Answer: films and deposits

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