Determination of blood group
To determine the blood group of own blood.
Sterile needle, toothpicks, sterile cotton, glass dropper, lancet, slides, anti-A serum, Anti-B Serum, anti-D serum.
A blood type (blood group) is a classification of blood-based on the presence and absence of antibodies and also based on the presence or absence of inherited antigenic substances on the surface of RBCs.
ABO Blood Group:
The surface of erythrocytes contains antigen composed of glycoprotein and glycolipids. These antigens called Agglutinogen or antibodies are agglutinins based on the presence or absence of various antigens. Blood is characterized into A, B, AB and O.
Blood plasma contains antibodies called agglutinins.
Recipient antibody + Donor antigen. Antibodies of the recipient plasma bind to the antigen of the donor cause agglutination and clumping of RBCs
RH Blood Group:
The RH blood group was named so because the antigen was discovered in the blood of Rhesus Monkey. A person whose RBCs lack antigen RH is Rh– and the person whose RBCs have antigen RH is Rh+.
1. Get a deep finger prick under aseptic conditions to get free-flowing blood.
2. Make a perfect one drop.
3. Put it in 3 different places on a slide.
4. Then add Anti-A serum, anti-B serum and anti-D serum to the 3 drops simultaneously.
5. Then mix the two with the help of the toothpicks.
6. Observe the results.
In the illustration there is clumping of blood with antisera A and Antisera D, therefore the blood group is A positive.
1. The skin site is chosen for the test should be scrubbed well with alcohol to increase the blood flow.
2. The skin should be dry if the puncture of 3-4 mm deep to give free-flowing blood.
The blood group of the own blood is found to be__________.
Remedial Biology Practicals
- Introduction to experiments in biology a) Study of Microscope b) Section cutting techniques c) Mounting and staining d) Permanent slide preparation 2. Study of cell and its inclusions 3. Study of Stem, Root, Leaf, seed, fruit, flower and their modifications 4. Detailed study of frog by using computer models 5. Microscopic study and identification of tissues pertinent to Stem, Root Leaf, seed, fruit and flower 6. Identification of bones 7. Determination of blood group 8. Determination of blood pressure 9. Determination of tidal volume
First Year B Pharm Notes, Syllabus, Books, PDF Subjectwise/Topicwise
First Year B Pharm Notes, Syllabus, Books, PDF Subjectwise/Topicwise
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