January 16, 2025

Create a database in MS Access to store the patient information

rDNA technology

Create a database in MS Access to store the patient information

BP210P Computer Applications in Pharmacy Practical

Citation: Chaudhari, M. (2022). MS Access patient database template. Pharmacy infoline. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10819701


Create a database in MS Access to store the patient information with the required fields using access

MS Access

MS Access is a relational database (RDBMS). A database is a collection of information that’s related to a particular subject or purpose, such as tracking customer orders or maintaining a music collection.

For example, suppose the phone numbers of patients are stored in various places of hospital; in reception center, in finance section, in medical store, etc. If patient phone number changes, you might have to update that information in all places. In a database, however, you only have to update that information in one place.

Characteristics of Database

  • Self-describing: a database gives description about itself.
  • Multiple users can access the same data.
  • Data exits permanently
  • Data security protects the data from unauthorized access with the help of the passwords.
  • Much software is used as Database Management Systems. Example: MS-Access, ORACLE etc.

Starting Access

Click on the Start button

Then go to MS Office

Then go to Microsoft Office Access 2007.

Notice the screen shown below appears

Now Specify the location of your database file by clicking on file button and give the suitable name to your database file and click on create button and screen as shown like below will appears.

Creating a Table

When you click the Create button your Access 2007 screen will change to the image below.

This is the “new look” in 2007 Office. You will now see Tabs and Ribbons that automatically appear for the area in access on which you’re working. Instead of a Menu Bar and drop down selections, you’ll now see these new features.

On the left of the Table Tools-Datasheet Tab/Ribbon you’ll see a view button.

Click the View button.

A Save As menu screen will appear similar to the image on the right.

Type patient information in the Table Name: area and

Click the OK button Your Access 2007 screen will now change again – to the image below

We’ve enlarged the upper left corner of this image below.

Notice (in the image above) that our Table Tools Tab still appears. However, because we are now in the Design process, the lower Tab/Ribbon has changed to Design – to assist us with designing our Table.

In the image on the last page you will notice that the primary key button is “orange” and in our Personnel Table, that is also “orange”-with a little key to the left of ID. Notice, under the Blue Bar at the top of the Design screen there are

Field name Data type Description

And, in the lower half of the window; Field Properties will appear

Significant Note:

When creating a database it is always best to “break down” a field into its “smallest parts.” For example – Name would break down into First Name, and Last Name (you could also have Middle Initial, Title, etc.) Address would break down into Street Address, city, state, and Zip (you could also have Apartment Number, etc). Because we are working in Access 2007 it will be very simple to “put the fields back together” with a few mouse clicks when we need to do this.

This will save a lot of time.

Look at the image on the right. Clicking the area or space under Field Name and type- in Last Name (to replace ID). Tap Enter or click-in the area to the right under Data
Type. Click the down arrow under Data Type on right (see arrow on right). Your design screen should look like the one on the right.

Data Type

  • Text you may type in any alphabetical/numerical data that you desire – up to a maximum of 255 characters. As indicated, this is a text field, so you can’t do mathematical calculations. Examples of Text data are: names, addresses, stock numbers, room numbers, zip codes, etc.
  • Memo this field is for lots of text. You can have up to 32,000 characters.
  • Number this field is for numbers where you want to add, subtract, multiply, divide, average, and do numerical calculations. This field can be a very large size, so when we get to Field Properties, we’ll talk about “sizing” this field so it doesn’t take up to much “space” in storage.
  • Date/Time You may format these later, as you may desire.
  • Currency Dollars ($). You may format these later, as you may desire.
  • AutoNumber This field is an “automatic” counter that assigns a number each time you put data into a new field.
  • Yes/No this is a “True/False” or “Yes/No” type of field.

Entering Data into the database

In the design view, Type-in the Field Names as indicated below and set them to the Data Types and Sizes indicated. Start each new Field Name and Data Type below the previous field (see example below).

Let’s create a patient information database with Patient ID as the primary key.

  • You can add a new field,  rename a new field if it is not descriptive enough, and delete an unwanted field.
  • Setting a field to store numerical values that you can use in calculations, set its data type to number or currency.
  • Field properties are a set of characteristics that provide additional control over how the data in a field is stored, entered or displayed. Which properties are available depends on a field’s data type.

Now type Gender in Field Name, and in data type select lookup Wizard… as you select it window will appear given beside and then after typing male and female press next and finish.

Now select datasheet view from view button and in gender column select arrow you will show two options are displayed for typing in the column

Add more data

Similarly, you can add data type in look up wizard for ‘consulting dr’, ‘patient type’ and ‘mediclaim’ Field name.

For DOB field select date/time in data type, when you will see in datasheet view, icon shown above will appear for entering DOB of patient.

Now that the structure is created let’s make the ‘Patient_ID’ field a primary key. (Keep your pointer in it and click the right button of your mouse to get a menu of items).

Save the file and now let’s start entering data of individual patient.

Entering data into database

Notice the database view of the table appear in front of you to add data to it. Now the field names are displayed as headings and a blank row is provided to enter data. Now that you have specified the data type, text that effect can only be entered in that field.

Notice when you type data in the last field and press the TAB key the pointer automatically moves to the next record. Now that you have successfully entered data into the first record, type the remaining which you need to add. Once the data entry is over save the file in your directory.


Thus we studied to create a  database in  MS  access to store the patient information with the required fields.

First Year B Pharm Notes, Syllabus, Books, PDF Subjectwise/Topicwise

First Year B Pharm Notes, Syllabus, Books, PDF Subjectwise/Topicwise

F Y B Pharm Sem-IF Y B Pharm Sem-II
BP101T Human Anatomy and Physiology I TheoryBP201T Human Anatomy and Physiology II – Theory
BP102T Pharmaceutical Analysis I TheoryBP202T Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I Theory
BP103T Pharmaceutics I TheoryBP203T Biochemistry – Theory
BP104T Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry TheoryBP204T Pathophysiology – Theory
BP105T Communication skills TheoryBP205T Computer Applications in Pharmacy Theory
BP106RBT Remedial BiologyBP206T Environmental sciences – Theory
BP106RMT Remedial Mathematics TheoryBP207P Human Anatomy and Physiology II Practical
BP107P Human Anatomy and Physiology PracticalBP208P Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I Practical
BP108P Pharmaceutical Analysis I PracticalBP209P Biochemistry Practical
BP109P Pharmaceutics I PracticalBP210P Computer Applications in Pharmacy Practical
BP110P Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry Practical
BP111P Communication skills Practical
BP112RBP Remedial Biology Practical

MS Access patient database template

Microsoft Access doesn’t offer a built-in template specifically for a patient database. However, there are two main approaches to get what you need:

  1. Use a Third-Party Template: There are websites that offer downloadable patient database templates for Access [search for microsoft access patient database template]. These can be a good starting point, especially if they align with your specific needs. Keep in mind these may require purchase or might be offered as demos.
  2. Build Your Own Database: You can design your own patient database using Access’s table, form, report, and query features. Here’s a breakdown of the tables you might consider including:
  • Patients: This table would store patient demographics like name, address, phone number, insurance information, etc.
  • Visits: This table would track patient visits, including dates, doctors seen, and brief summaries.
  • Medications: This table would list medications prescribed to patients, including dosage and instructions.

Reports can be built to display patient information, appointment history, or medication lists. You can also customize forms for data entry and find patients based on specific criteria using queries.

No matter which approach you take, it’s important to be aware of patient privacy regulations. Make sure your database is secure and only accessible to authorized users.

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