February 19, 2025

809ET Cosmetic Science Theory, Notes, PDF, Books, Syllabus

Cosmetic science course

Cosmetic Science Theory, Notes, PDF, Books, Syllabus

BP809ET Cosmetic Science Theory MCQ

This section is also useful for cosmetic science courses in India which include MSc cosmetic science, diploma in cosmetics etc

UNIT I Classification of cosmetic and cosmeceutical products

Classification of cosmetic and cosmeceutical products

Definition of cosmetics as per Indian and EU regulations, Evolution of cosmeceuticals
Cosmetics as quasi and OTC drugs
Cosmetic excipients:

Classification and application
Skin: Basic structure and function of the skin.
Hair: Basic structure of the hair. Hair growth cycle.
Oral Cavity: Common problem associated with teeth and gums.


Principles of formulation and building blocks of skincare products:
Face wash,
Moisturizing cream,
Cold Cream,
Vanishing cream
Applications, Advantages and disadvantages

Antiperspirants & deodorants– Actives & mechanism of action.

Principles of formulation and building blocks of Haircare products:
Conditioning shampoo,
Hair conditioner,
Anti-dandruff shampoo.
Hair oils.
Chemistry and formulation of Para-phylene diamine based hair dye.

Principles of formulation and building blocks of oral care products:
Toothpaste for bleeding gums,
Toothpaste for sensitive teeth.
Teeth whitening toothpaste,


Sun protection, Classification of Sunscreens and SPF.
Role of herbs in cosmetics:
Skin Care: Aloe and turmeric
Haircare: Henna and amla.
Oral care: Neem and clove
Analytical cosmetics: BIS specification and analytical methods for shampoo, skin cream and toothpaste.


Principles of Cosmetic Evaluation:
Measurement of TEWL,
Measurement of Skin Color,
Hair combing properties
Measurement of Hair tensile strength,
Soaps, and syndet bars.
Evolution and skin benefits.



Basic understanding of the terms

Cosmetic problems associated with hair and scalp:
Hair fall causes

Cosmetic problems associated with skin:
Prickly heat
Body odour.

BP809ET Cosmetic Science Theory MCQ

Get chapterwise multiple choice questions of cosmetic science


1) Harry’s Cosmeticology, Wilkinson, Moore, Seventh Edition, George Godwin.
2) Cosmetics – Formulations, Manufacturing and Quality Control, P.P. Sharma, 4th Edition, Vandana Publications Pvt. Ltd., Delhi.
3) Textbook of cosmetology by Sanju Nanda & Roop K. Khar, Tata Publishers.

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Suggested readings

Introduction cosmetic science

Unravel the science behind beauty! Dive into the world of Cosmetic Science with comprehensive resources. Explore theory, in-depth notes, and downloadable PDFs to grasp the formulation secrets of your favorite products. Discover recommended books for a deep dive and syllabuses to plan your path to becoming a cosmetic science expert. Let science guide your skincare journey!