February 18, 2025

Introduction to Conductometry analysis

Introduction to Conductometry analysis

Conductometry is a branch of analytical chemistry that involves the measurement of electrical conductivity of a solution. It is used to determine the concentration of electrolytes in a solution, as well as to investigate the chemical and physical properties of substances.

Conductivity is a measure of how easily an electrical current can flow through a material. In solution, conductivity is related to the presence of ions, which are electrically charged particles that can move in response to an electric field.

Conductometry analysis involves measuring the electrical conductivity of a solution as a function of concentration or time. This can be done using a conductometer, which is an instrument that measures the resistance of a solution to an electric current.

Conductometry is commonly used in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, and water treatment. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is used to monitor the purity and concentration of drug solutions. In the food and beverage industry, it is used to measure the quality of products, such as the concentration of salt in cheese or the acidity of fruit juices. In water treatment, it is used to monitor the quality of drinking water and to ensure that it meets regulatory standards.

Overall, conductometry is a valuable tool for analyzing the properties of solutions, and it has a wide range of applications in various industries.

First Year B Pharm Notes, Syllabus, Books, PDF Subjectwise/Topicwise

F Y B Pharm Sem-IF Y B Pharm Sem-II
BP101T Human Anatomy and Physiology I TheoryBP201T Human Anatomy and Physiology II – Theory
BP102T Pharmaceutical Analysis I TheoryBP202T Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I Theory
BP103T Pharmaceutics I TheoryBP203T Biochemistry – Theory
BP104T Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry TheoryBP204T Pathophysiology – Theory
BP105T Communication skills TheoryBP205T Computer Applications in Pharmacy Theory
BP106RBT Remedial BiologyBP206T Environmental sciences – Theory
BP106RMT Remedial Mathematics TheoryBP207P Human Anatomy and Physiology II Practical
BP107P Human Anatomy and Physiology PracticalBP208P Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I Practical
BP108P Pharmaceutical Analysis I PracticalBP209P Biochemistry Practical
BP109P Pharmaceutics I PracticalBP210P Computer Applications in Pharmacy Practical
BP110P Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry Practical
BP111P Communication skills Practical
BP112RBP Remedial Biology Practical

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