November 14, 2024

4.6 Clinical Toxicology Syllabus, Notes, PDF, Books, MCQ, Downloads

4.6 Clinical Toxicology Syllabus, Notes, PDF, Books, MCQ, Downloads

1. General principles involved in the management of poisoning

2. Antidotes and their clinical applications.

3. Supportive care in clinical Toxicology.

4. Gut Decontamination.

5. Elimination Enhancement.

6. Toxicokinetics.

7. Clinical symptoms and management of acute poisoning with the following agents –

a) Pesticide poisoning: organophosphorus compounds, carbamates, organochlorines, pyrethroids.
b) Opiates overdose.
c) Antidepressants
d) Barbiturates and benzodiazepines.
e) Alcohol: ethanol, methanol.
f) Paracetamol and salicylates.
g) Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
h) Hydrocarbons: Petroleum products and PEG.
i) Caustics: inorganic acids and alkali.
j) Radiation poisoning

8. Clinical symptoms and management of chronic poisoning with the following agents –
Heavy metals: Arsenic, lead, mercury, iron, copper

9. Venomous snake bites: Families of venomous snakes, clinical effects of venoms, general management as first aid, early manifestations, complications and snake bite injuries.

10. Plants poisoning. Mushrooms, Mycotoxins.

11. Food poisonings

12. Envenomations – Arthropod bites and stings.

Substance abuse:
Signs and symptoms of substance abuse and treatment of dependence
a) CNS stimulants: amphetamine
b) Opioids
c) CNS depressants
d) Hallucinogens: LSD
e) Cannabis group
f) Tobacco

Fourth Year Pharm D Subjects

4.2Hospital Pharmacy
4.3Clinical Pharmacy
4.4Biostatistics & Research Methodology
4.5Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics
4.6Clinical Toxicology

Suggested readings:

  • DPEE D Pharm Exit exam: Instructions to Candidates

  • Fatman Scoop Rushed to Hospital Following Medical Emergency During Hamden Concert

  • D. Pharm Exit Exam Syllabus Subject wise