Table of contents
Pharma Marketing Management Syllabus, notes, MCQ, Books, PDF, Downloads
Unit I
Pharmaceutical market
Quantitative and qualitative aspects;
Size and composition of the market;
Demographic descriptions and socio-psychological characteristics of the consumer;
Market segmentation& targeting.
Motivation and prescribing habits of the physician;
Patients’ choice of physician and retail pharmacist.
Unit II Product decision
Product line and product mix decisions,
Product life cycle,
Product portfolio analysis;
Product positioning;
New product decisions;
Product branding,
Packaging and labelling decisions,
Product management in the pharmaceutical industry.
Unit III Promotion
Determinants of the promotional mix,
Promotional budget;
Unit IV
Pharmaceutical marketing channels
Designing channel,
Channel members,
Selecting the appropriate channel,
Conflict in channels,
Physical distribution management: Strategic importance,
Tasks in physical distribution management.
Professional sales representative (PSR)
Duties of PSR, the purpose of detailing, selection and training, supervising, norms for customer calls, motivating, evaluating, compensation and future prospects of the PSR.
Unit V
Meaning, importance, objectives, determinants of price;
Pricing methods and strategies,
Issues in price management in the pharmaceutical industry.
DPCO (Drug Price Control Order)
NPPA (National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority).
Emerging concepts in marketing
Vertical & Horizontal Marketing;
Rural Marketing;
Industrial Marketing;
Global Marketing.
Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)
- Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller: Marketing Management, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- Walker, Boyd and Larreche : Marketing Strategy- Planning and Implementation, Tata MC GrawHill, New Delhi.
- Dhruv Grewal and Michael Levy: Marketing, Tata MC Graw Hill
- Arun Kumar and N Menakshi: Marketing Management, Vikas Publishing, India
- Rajan Saxena: Marketing Management; Tata MC Graw-Hill (India Edition)
- Ramaswamy, U.S & Nanakamari, S: Marketing Managemnt:Global Perspective, IndianContext,Macmilan India, New Delhi.
- Shanker, Ravi: Service Marketing, Excell Books, New Delhi
- Subba Rao Changanti, Pharmaceutical Marketing in India (GIFT – Excel series) Excel Publications.
Final Year B Pharm Notes, Syllabus, Books, PDF Subjectwise/Topicwise
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Mastering pharmaceutical marketing requires the right knowledge. Up your game with comprehensive resources like pharma marketing management notes, PDFs, textbooks, and even syllabuses. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, this toolkit equips you to navigate the intricacies of pharmaceutical marketing success. Dive deep into industry trends, regulations, and strategies to effectively promote pharmaceuticals and reach your target audience.