Instrumental Methods of Analysis Practical, Lab Manual, Journal PDF
1 Determination of absorption maxima and effect of solvents on absorption maxima of organic compounds
2 Estimation of dextrose by colorimetry
3 Estimation of sulfanilamide by colorimetry
4 Simultaneous estimation of ibuprofen and paracetamol by UV spectroscopy
5 Assay of paracetamol by UV- Spectrophotometry
6 Estimation of quinine sulfate by fluorimetry
7 Study of quenching of fluorescence
8 Determination of sodium by flame photometry
9 Determination of potassium by flame photometry
10 Determination of chlorides and sulphates by nephelo turbidometry
11 Separation of amino acids by paper chromatography
12 Separation of sugars by thin-layer chromatography
13 Separation of plant pigments by column chromatography
14 Demonstration experiment on HPLC
15 Demonstration experiment on Gas Chromatography
Recommended Books (Latest Editions)
- Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis by B.K Sharma
- Organic spectroscopy by Y.R Sharma
- Text book of Pharmaceutical Analysis by Kenneth A. Connors
- Vogel’s Text book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis by A.I. Vogel
- Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry by A.H. Beckett and J.B. Stenlake
- Organic Chemistry by I. L. Finar
- Organic spectroscopy byWilliam Kemp
- Quantitative Analysis of Drugs by D. C. Garrett
- Quantitative Analysis of Drugs in Pharmaceutical Formulations by P. D. Sethi
- Spectrophotometric identification of Organic Compounds by Silverstein
Final Year B Pharm Notes, Syllabus, Books, PDF Subjectwise/Topicwise
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- Blue waffle disease
- b pharmacy syllabus
- electronic Common Technical Document eCTD
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