Agar: Physical and chemical tests / Analysis of crude drugs
To identify the chemical characteristics of a given sample.
SI.No. | Test | Observation | Inference | |
1. | Boil 1gm of agar with 10ml of water until the solution is affected, cool to room temperature | A slip jet is formed. (Jelly-like mass is formed) | Agar | |
2. | 0.2% solution of agar, + aqueous solution of tannic acidNo Precipitate is formedDistinction from gelatin3. | Warm little sample in an alcoholic solution of Pot. Hydroxide | Canary yellow colour is produced | Agar present |
4. | Mount a small quantity of powder in the solution of ruthenium red and examine microscopicallyParticles acquire red or pink colourPresence of mucilage in agar. | |||
5. | Add 1 drop of N/10 solution of iodine to 10ml of decoction of agar. Rapidly cool under tap water to room temperature. | Crimson or Pale yellow colour is produced | Agar is present | |
6. | Add 0.5ml of conc. HCl to 4ml of 0.5% solution of agar. Heat it in a water bath for 30minutes, cool at room temperature and divide it into two portions. Add 3ml of 10% NaOH solution and Fehling’s solution A and B in equal quantities and warm over a water bath. Add 10% of barium chloride solution. | Red ppt of cuprous oxide is obtained Slight white ppt of barium sulphate is obtained | Reducing sugars are present | |
7. | Incinerate agar to ash, and add a drop of con.HCl observe under the microscope | Fragments of diatoms | Agar is present |
The above morphological characteristics and chemical tests indicate that the crude drug is Agar.
Kokate CK. Practical Pharmacognosy, 4 edition, VallabhPrakashan. Delhi; 1994: 98.
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