Determination of acute eye irritation test: Pharmacology Practical Manual
To perform the acute eye irritation test.
Following pretreatment with a systemic analgesic and induction of appropriate topical anesthesia, the substance to be tested is applied in a single dose to the eyes of the experimental animal the untreated eye serves as the control. The degrees of eye irritation/ corrosion are evaluated by scoring lesions of conjunctiva, cornea, and its at specific intervals.
Sixty minutes prior to test substances application TSA, buprenorphine 0.01mg/kg is administered by subcutaneous injection (sc) to provide a therapeutic level of system analgesia. Five minutes prior to TSA, one (or) two drops of a topical ocular anesthetic Ex- 0.5% proparacaine HCl.
In order to avoid possible interference with the study, a topical anesthetic that does not contain preservations is recommended. The eye of each animal that is not treated with test articles but which is treated with topical anesthetics serves as a control. If the test substance is anticipated to cause significant pain and distress it should not normally be tested in vivo. However, in case of doubt (or) where testing is necessary consideration should be given to additional applications of the topical anesthetic at 5 minutes intervals prior to TSA. If an animal shows signs of pain and distress during the study a rescue dose of buprenorphine 0.03mg/kg would be given immediately and repeated as often as every 8 hours. Meloxicam 0.5mg/kg sc would be administered every 24 hrs injection with a rescue dose of buprenorphine but not until at least 8 hours.
The duration of the observation period should be sufficient to evaluate fully the magnitude and reversibility of the effects observed. Animal shows signs of serve pain (or) distress. Observed normally for 21 days. If visibility is seen before 21 days the experiment should be terminated at that time.
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